Race To Fireworm Island

Start from the beginning

"Well, I say, 'bring it on, Alvin.'" Snotlout said.

"So how are we going to prepare for that?" Raeda asked.

"It's simple." Hiccup said before turning to face Astrid. "Astrid for this training exercise, you and Stormfly will act as our bad dragon."

Astrid nodded and looked at Stormfly. "Stormfly, battle ready!" She ordered. Stormfly complied and flew higher than the other dragons.

"The rest of you, make sure you don't get caught. She touches you, you're out." Hiccup finished.

"Snotlout, Hookfang, you guys are sitting this one out." Hicca instructed.

"What?! Why?!" Snotlout demanded indignantly.

"Because Hookfang has had more than enough training. He needs to get some rest and get hydrated." Hicca answered calmly.

"Are you kidding me? We've barely covered any training. We are not sitting this one out." Snotlout said stubbornly.

"Well, too bad. As co-leader, I order you to be benched for this exercise." Hicca said.

"Well, as Snotlout, I will defy that order." Snotlout said, crossing.

Hiccup stepped in to try to diffuse the situation. "Alright, alright, Snotlout you and Hookfang can participate in this exercise, but once Astrid tags you then you're out and you guys are done for the day, got it."

"Fine." Snotlout said.

Hiccup turned to his twin to see if that's alright with her. "I guess that's the only way he'll agree." Hicca sighed.

Hiccup then turned to the others. "Alright then, let's start."

Immediately he, Hicca, Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Raeda and Fishlegs scattered in different directions marking the beginning of the chase. Astrid started flying after them.

Fishlegs and Meatlug flew in the forest and maneuvered through the trees. Fishlegs looked to see if Astrid was chasing him and to his delight, neither the Hofferson girl nor her blue Nadder was anywhere to be seen.

"Now, that is how a highly maneuverable Boulder class dragon does it." Fishlegs said proudly patting Meatlug. "Good girl."

Suddenly several spikes shot out in front of them blocking their path. Fishlegs looked up and saw Astrid and Stormfly hovering above them.

"Yeah, looked great from up here. You're both out" Astrid said, patting Fishlegs on the shoulder. She and Stormfly then flew off to find the others.

"Don't let her get you down, Meatlug. You still have the biggest heart out here." Fishlegs said to his dragon.

Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Barf and Belch were also in the forest hiding behind the trees. The problem was that their hiding place was so obvious Astrid had no problem finding them.

"I told you this would work." Tuffnut said to his twin.

"Yeah, she's staring right at us and doesn't even know we're here." Ruffnut chuckled.

Astrid rolled her eyes and walked over towards them and touched both Barf and Belch's necks. "Out and out." She said walking away.

"Who's she talking to?" Tuffnut asked Ruffnut.

"Can't be us." Ruffnut answered.

Astrid shook her head, got on Stormfly and flew off.

She then spotted Raeda and Sparkfire and started chasing after them. Raeda saw Astrid flying after them. "Alright girl, time to shake them off." After the encounter with Heather and the Outcasts, the Henderson girl started feeding her Deadly Nadder chicken, which succeeded in making Sparkfire fly faster and makes them and Astrid and Stormfly equal in speed. "Come on girl, we out-fly Astrid and Stormfly and you will definitely be getting extra chicken tonight." That motivated Sparkfire to fly even faster.

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