"Oh no, this is not going to stand." Hicca said, taking off her mask. She went over to Raeda. "Time for Plan B, Rae."

"The lavender perfumes?" The Henderson girl asked.

"The lavender perfumes." Hicca confirmed.

"The sacrifices one must make for the good of the village." Raeda sighed. "Let's go."

Meanwhile, Hiccup gathered the other dragon riders to the Academy. "Okay, we need to figure out a way to keep Berk supplied with water until a new well can be dug." He said. He then turned to the Thorston twins. "Ruff, Tuff, strap on the trough and head up to Lars Lake to fill it up."

"Okay, but that thing's pretty big." Tuffnut commented. "I mean, it's bigger than Ruff's butt. It could take a week or two." Ruffnut took offense to that statement and responded by punching her twin in the face.

"Well, I was assuming you would use your dragon." Hiccup stated.

"And why would you assume that?" Tuffnut asked.

"Because-" Hiccup was about to explain, but then he realized who he was explaining to and decided to just move on. "Okay, moving on." He turned to Astrid and Snotlout. "Astrid, Snotlout head to the mountain streams and fill as many canteens as you can."

This gave Snotlout an idea. "Mountain streams." He said placing an arm around Astrids' shoulder. "Romantic-" He didn't get to finish that sentence because Astrid grabbed his arm and twisted it painfully.

Hiccup then turned to Fishlegs. "Fishlegs, Meatlug you're going to help me figure out what happened in the well."

"You may not notice, but Meatlug doesn't do well in tight spaces." Fishlegs pointed out.

Hiccup just rolled his eyes and continued. "Okay, we've all got our assignments. Let's go."

"Wait, where are Raeda and Hicca?" Fishlegs asked.

"They are busy solving another crisis." Hiccup answered.

The six teens split up and followed their assignments. Snotlout and Astrid were at the mountain stream filling up their canteens. "You know, Astrid, I've been thinking." Snotlout started to say.

"We talked about you thinking Snotlout. It's not good for anyone." Astrid said.

Snotlout ignored the blonde girl and continued. "Who says we have to give this water away?" Snotlout asked.

"What do you mean?" Astrid questioned.

"It's simple supply and demand. Follow me." Snotlout said, picking a full vase from the basket. "The people in Berk are parched, desperate for water. And who's got all the water? Me, that's who. Ha, ha! I'm going to make a fortune with this."

"You're going to charge people for water?" Astrid asked in disbelief. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

"Is it? Ha!" Snotlout scoffed. "Do whatever you want, but don't ask me for a cut later."

Back in the village, Hiccup, Fishlegs and Meatlug were at the village. Hiccup was being lowered into the well by a rope tied on Meatlug with Fishlegs supervising from above.

"That's it girl. Just keep it steady." Fishlegs said to his dragon.

"Lower." Hiccup ordered. "Just a little more. Okay, hold it right there." Fishlegs signaled Meatlug to stop.

"You'll never catch me!" Gobber shouted, causing Fishlegs, Toothless and Meatlug to look and see the blonde blacksmith being chased by Hicca and Raeda on Midnight and Sparkfire. Both girls were wearing healers' masks and were holding buckets.

The Haddock Twins: Defenders of BerkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin