"The whole thing cause this makes no sense." Hicca retorted.

"Yeah that's... that's ridiculous." Hiccup added.

Stoick paused their conversation to address a Viking. "I want that wall higher!"

"Aye, aye, sir!" The Viking replied.

The chief then turned to his children. "Are you calling your father ridiculous?"

"Of course not. We would never call our father ridiculous." Hicca and Hiccup both answered. They then turned to each other and nodded before turning back to their father."We're calling our chief ridiculous." Midnight and Toothless both gave a dragon-like laugh.

"Careful, children. You too, dragons." The chief warned. He then turned his attention to the working Vikings"Put your backs into it, boys!"

Neither of the twins gave up as they went after their father. "Dad, Alvin has his own dragons. Changewings, Scauldrons, Whispering Deaths... I saw them with my own eyes." Hiccup stated.

"Yes. When you were kidnapped and locked up in an Outcast prison, the same one which Hicca barely managed to escape." Stoick reminded him, remembering that day. He was so worried when he found out Hiccup and Hicca went off on their own. And it only increased when he discovered that his son and both the Night Furies were kidnapped by the Outcasts. He was not going to let that happen again.

"There is more to that than just having those dragons, dad." Hicca pointed out.

"Hicca's right. Alvin also read the Book of Dragons, He's seen Astrid train a Monstrous Nightmare, and he still has Mildew, who, by the way, I really doubt will hold up under questioning." Hiccup said.

"And with the ways Alvin has to get information, it won't be long till he knows how to earn a dragons' trust. And with that, he can do anything." Hicca added.

"Hiccup...Hicca" Stoick tried to say, before Hiccup continued to speak.

"If Alvin learns how to train his dragons and he attacks with them, our only chance is to fight back with ours." He concluded.

"I understand that." Stoick said, putting one hand each on his childrens' shoulder."But I'm not gonna risk either of your lives or the lives of any of your Dragon Riders. This is my final word."

With a sigh, Hicca and Hiccup both made their way to the Academy to tell the others the news.

"And you two agreed? Just like that?" Astrid asked once they were finished telling them.

"What other choice did we have? He's the chief, who also happens to be our incredibly overprotective father." Hiccup responded.

"That sometimes has its' downside. And we did try to argue, but he is adamant about keeping this new rule." Hicca said.

"Well, we have to get him to change his mind." Astrid suggested.

"Stoick the Vast? Um, good luck with that." Fishlegs commented.

"After all, the stubbornness does run in the family." Raeda said.

"So what am I supposed to do with Hookfang if he can't fly?" Snotlout asked, annoyed by this new rule."You know what happens when is inner warrior is caged up?" To answer this question, Hookfang lit himself on fire and then smacked his rider across the Academy with his skid across the floor and was stopped by Astrid foot.

"I have a guess." Raeda said.

"THAT is what happens!" Snotlout said with his face still at the sole of Astrids' boot.

"Whoa, we should have caged his inner warrior a long time ago. That was awesome!" Tuffnut exclaimed, with his twin nodding in agreement.

Ruffnut chuckled. "Yeah."

The Haddock Twins: Defenders of BerkWhere stories live. Discover now