Chapter 6

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I awoke to a dusky room laying on a torn up and old bed, the springs poke into my back as I tried to move my body, my arms were free but my legs were bound by heavy chains, I thought of a way to release myself and my hands glowed orange, the manipulation of metal. But the door slams open to reveal a shorter, blonde hair man with a toned but sleek figure, 'Great to see Jungkook, already perfecting his power, exactly 5 hours,' the man talks walking around looking at us with pity, 'as you may already tell this is your sleeping quarters for now,' he paces through the middle as I finally notice the other browns and some other new faces I didn't recognise, they were all strained, confused their bloodshot eyes not unnoticed as if crying in their sleep or beforehand.

'Females you will all becomes maids or personal servants to those who live here, men you shall be cooks, gardeners and landscapers,' I scoff, and he walks up to me as I sit myself on my elbows, 'I know sexist right?' He teases me before pacing again, 'Where is here you may ask, well you are very lucky indeed, due to the presence of a new force you will be sought under the major ruling families of red blue and yellow; however, as you can see by Jungkook, we are not always as such, we are in common ground and have heirs of the reining yellow Kim family, reigning Red,' he laughs to himself exposing his red hands, 'The Jeon and Park families, and of course the reigning Blue families, the Jung and Min families,' he lets out an aspirated breathe.

'This mansion houses all of the heirs to these families in a way to bond and solidify our forces before the inevitable attack from the Judas Society, so if you want to continue sleeping here, you will not disobey and ignore what we tell you,' He smirks before taunting a girl by raising her chains, 'If you wish for a comfortable bed and freedom you shall be obedient is that understood,' we all nod before a tall man, enters the room, his hands residing in his pants pockets, he dripped authority.

'Kim Namjoon, how do you feel for the new subjects, more will be arriving soon so I guess these ones are the lucky ones,' He looks around the room and locks eyes with me, a Kim one of the highest authorial figures globally, this would be a fun treat.

'Her, she will be my servant, Jimin please organise her to be in my servant's quarters immediately,' Jimin I think to myself, Park Jimin the second royal line to the reigning red family, almost as known as the Jeons, a tsk brings me out of my thought process, as Jimin clicks his tongue.

'That's a no on that one compadre,' Jimin furrows his brows rubbing, 'She looked interesting I wanted dibs but apparently Jeon has other plans,'

'What does Jungkook want with her?' I feel anger boil up inside, I was to be Jungkook's slave, I could bust out right now, a chaotic thought sparked through my mind but it's if I was smacked over the head by common sense and the hallowing reminder to remain hidden.

'Why Jungkook, all because I beat him in a spar because he can't keep his fucking dick in pants, that asshole I'll still kick ass,' I yell out, the pair shocked but amused by my outburst,' Only if he doesn't use his powers,' I grumble to myself.

'I heard you call Scar,' the man himself Jungkook, walks in sporting a black suit, 'upset you're a boring little human,' he chuckles running his hand through his luscious locks,' Looks like I still have a fire I have to tame,' He chuckles

'You're lucky it weren't different,' I grit out, I had to pretend and by meeting his father I knew they had other plans and I was not about to be used a fake symbol in the eyes of the next war. My life had been ruined and saved the same day, I wanted to yell turn back time, blow up the world anything but I had to trust my guts, I was here for a reason.

'Well guess what,' Jungkook comes to my eye level, 'it's not, I am an all powerful black luminescent, and you-,' he drifts off looking at my shackles and chain, ' a simple human who is now at my disposal,'

'Well I choose Namjoon or Jimin,' he grits his teeth visibly as the other two snicker behind him.

'Who said you had a choice,' He smirks.

'Seems like two others want me too Kook,' I say informally I see him grit his teeth before standing, 'so that means I have 3 choices,'


Thank you for reading

- Jess x

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