Part 11: Shiokawa~san

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I avoided Kurusu~kun like the plague, paranoid and worried. It didn't go unnoticed, Sakamoto~kun and Takamaki~chan both confronted me during lunch, worried when I refused the offer to eat with them. I had to make a last-minute excuse to not have lunch with them, the entire time subconscious of the suspicious stare jabbing at my skin.

I sighed as I waited in my seat, my head pressing against the smooth wood of my desk. Two girls began to gossip beside my desk.

"Do you hear the news? They're still talking about Fumihiko~san!"

I immediately tensed.

"I know! He had thrown himself at a cop spouting how he was harassing and threatening a girl here! He even begged them to search his room!"

The other girl piped in.

"Yeah! They found a drawer full of pictures and even some missing clothes! He even told them who it was!"

The others gasped. I shifted in my seat, praying that they wouldn't figure out it was me. My hand curled into a fist.

"Who is it?!"

Just then, a teacher stepped into the room, a small folder under his arm.

"Nagatsuka Nyoko~san, would you come to the office please?"

Swallowing, I stood. Even with my head down, I could see every person's eyes on me.

I hurriedly rushed out of the room, following the teacher down the hall and into the office. I peeked up, swallowing as I saw a familiar face. Shiokawa Tomiichi~san, the chief of police, and the one who got my siblings and me off the streets.

He was a tall man, seemingly two heads taller than me, but was what many would call a gentle giant. His brown hair was crushed under his cop hat, his muscled body clad in police officer uniform.

"Shiokawa~sama..." I mumbled.

He nodded to me, a small greeting.

"Shiokawa~sama would like to ask you some questions, he insisted himself." The teacher said beside me, nodding to him before leaving the room.

He gave a sad smile, gently placing his hand on my back to guide me into a separate room. The room was hollow except for a small desk and three chairs, two on one side, one on the other. He closed the door after me, coaxing me to sit in a soft leather chair before taking his spot behind the desk. He sighed.

"This wasn't the way I wanted us to meet again Nyoko~chan." He said gently.

I nodded, staring at my lap.

"I need to make sure that you're okay. Physically and mentally. That boy was mentally unstable. Heaven knows what he would have done to you."

I bit my lip and nodded again. He breathed out another sigh before picking up a small notebook. He flipped it open, clicking a pen.

"So, there's another student that's going to be coming for questioning, so I'll start right now so we can get the personal stuff out of the way."

I nodded, finally gaining the courage to look him in the eye. He paused, lowering the notebook and pen slightly.

"I love you like a daughter Nyoko~chan. I, need to know you are alright, so please be honest with me, okay sweetheart?" He gave me a small smile.

My heart lurched at the nickname and sweet tone, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip to push away tears as I nodded again.

"Okay," He breathed, raising the notebook again. "Now, I want you to tell me in detail what happened, how it started, how it ended."

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