Part 9: Joker

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I do not like this word, so I will hint at it. This will have attempted filthy works. I will not go into much, but still. 


After we left, we all went home, the sun setting and the sky turning dark. I tossed and turned, Morgana at my feet. 

Something wasn't right. Nyoko looked nervous around those boys, especially when one of them grabbed her hand while she was giving them their order. The looks they were giving her made even my skin crawl. Something wasn't right. I could just tell. 

I groaned, sitting up. I can't sleep unless I know she's okay. I slipped from the bed, getting out my phone. 


Nyoko Pov

I had a bad feeling. 

Majorly bad. 

My grip was tight on my school bag, my head down, my legs tense as I sped walked down the street.

I jolted when I heard a small, whimpering mew in an alley, making me stop and look inside. I gasped as I saw a tiny kitten peeking past a trash can. It's fur was matted, skin showing from masses of missing fur. Even from underneath it's fur I could tell it was thin, thinner than it should be. 

I made my way over, stopping a small ways away when it scurried backwards. Clicking my tongue, I held out my hand, palm down. I cooed at it, waiting patiently for it to gain courage. It snuck forward, craning it's neck to sniff my hand. I smiled when it bumped it's head against my palm, arching it's back to reach my skin. Gently, I scooped it up, pressing it to my chest. I stood , going rigid as a flirty voice spoke behind me. 

"Well isn't it little Nyoko~chan!" 

I whirled around, the kitten in my hands, to find the four boys from the cafe, their hands in their pockets, filthy smirks on their lips. A chill ran down my spine. 

"W-What do you want?" I said, my voice a failed stern tone. "I-I never gave you the permission to call me by my first name." 

They snickered, making my pathetic attempt of a stern face crack. They stepped closer, blocking my exit. 

"We just want to show you how much we appreciate your service today." The lead boy smirked, stepping the closest. His eyes slowly dragged across my figure, his gaze giving away his true intentions. 

I went pale, my eyes widening in horror as he plucked the kitten from my hands, placing it down. I backed away as he came closer, my eyes close to tears.

"P-Please d-don't...." I whimpered.

He grabbed my wrists, throwing me to the ground. I struggled as his friends laughed and watched. I screamed and thrashed as he kissed my neck, smirking against my skin. His knees pressed into my legs, holding them still as he placed one hand below my waist. 

"STOP IT!!" I flinched. 

"Aww, how cute, she's so innocent she can't even stand being touched." His evil, disgusting smirk deepened. He leant close to my face. "We'll just have to change that won't we?" 

"STOP IT PLEASE!!" I begged as he held my face still by my chin, leaning closer until we were inches apart. His hand began to creep up my thigh.

All of the sudden, he was thrown from me, crashing to the ground in front of his friends. I scrambled from my position, pressing myself against the dead-end of the alley. A tall figure loomed over me, his back facing me. The boys looked on in nervous fear, mumbling and stepping away. The looming man slipped his hand into his coat, and the boys broke, yelling out and scrambling. Their footsteps faded as well as their screams until it was silent. He turned towards me, tears spilling from my eyes. My eyes widened. 

His hair was wild and fluffy, a white mask around his eyes. Around the eyeholes was black, spiked on the bottom. He wore a grey (maybe) tank-top, V's going parallel. Over it, he wore a  black trench coat, the bottom slit into three parts, the cuffs of his sleeves long, and red gloves on his hands. His trousers also were black, his two-inch heeled boots to match. I looked into his eyes. They were black in the moonlight, staring at me. 

He stepped towards me. I flinched and curled away, whimpering pathetically. 

"P-Please n-no!" I whimpered, my eyes squeezed shut as tears painted my cheeks.

He stepped closer, kneeling in front of me. I curled tighter, trembling widely. 

"I won't hurt you." He said gently. 

I felt soft fur. I looked down at my curled-in lap to see the tiny kitten rubbing it's cheek against my chest, it's tiny paws on my stomach. I hugged it gently.

I looked at him. His eyes were sincere, the small smile on his lips comforting. He held out a slender-fingered hand, inviting me to take it. I hesitated, swallowing my fear and placing my hand in his own, watching as his palm swallowed my own. Gently, he pulled me to my feet, wrapping his arm around my waist as I stumbled into his chest. I went tense. My body was sore from being so rigid, throbbing from being thrown to the ground. I limped beside him as he walked to the alleyway entrance. Sighing, he stopped. 

"Stay calm alright?" He asked calmly. 

Swallowing, I nodded. He let go of my hand, wrapping his own around my knees. I yelped when he lifted me, pressing me against his chest. My face flushed and I held in a scream as he jumped, landing on a building. He began to run across the rooftops, me in his arms, the kitten in mine, his coat flapping behind us. He ran in silence until he reached my home, jumping down to hang in front of my open window, his arm around my waist, his free hand holding the rain drain. He slipped inside, placing me on my bed. I grabbed his wrist before he could leave. 

"What's your name?" I asked quietly.

He was quiet before leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. My eyes went wide.

"Joker." He said.

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