Part 10: Blabbermouth

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I flutter open my eyes, the sunlight seeping past the curtains. I sighed, slipping out of my sleeping bag. I looked around the small room, slumping my shoulders at the pathetic excuse for an apartment.

It was a small two-bedroom, with wooden, rotting flooring and plain, whitewashed walls. My dresser was pressed to one side, a small desk on the other.

I drug myself from the bed, dressing in my school uniform and hurrying to the kitchen, with a small sink and a rusty stove.

I hurriedly cooked eggs and bacon for the kids before rushing to their room, shaking them awake from their small mattresses.

Quickly dressing them, I bit into a piece of toast I cooked for myself, grabbing our backpacks and slipping theirs onto their shoulders. I hurriedly shrugged on mine, placing Manami on my hip and grabbing Akio's hand as he grabbed Yukio's, guiding them out of the apartment, stopping only to lock the doors.

Our apartment was further in the city, but still far enough where we had to take the subway to reach our schools.

A small price to pay for the safety of my siblings.

Akio gripped my hand tighter as we walked through a small street.

"Nee~chan.....what will happen if he finds us again?" He asked in quiet Japanese as we passed a small coffee shop.

I blinked at the sudden question. His siblings stared at me, waiting nervously for an answer.

"I don't know sweetie, we'll probably have to move again." I sighed.

"Why would you need to move?" A voice asked behind us.

I froze, my cheeks flushing as I turned to see Kurusu~kun stepping out from the coffee shop, flipping the sign to 'Open'.

"K-Kurusu~kun." I turned fully. "G-Good morning," I said.

"Good morning." He said, his gaze falling to my siblings. They waved hesitantly.

"Kurusu~san is a good man right big sister?" Akio asked nervously.

His brow rose in confusion.

"Y-Y-Yes Yukio~chan, Kurusu~kun is a good man," I said nervously. I bowed to him. "I'm sorry Kurusu~kun, but I have to catch the subway to take my siblings to school."

"I could walk with you." He came to stand beside me. "I take the subway anyways."

I blinked, looking down at my siblings. They nodded slightly, still huddled close to me.



The subway was crowded, my siblings pressed to my sides, Manami still in my arms.

"Big sister, my feet hurt," Akio whined, tugging at my skirt.

I sighed, shifting to place Manami down when Kurusu~kun placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Is it okay if I hold him?" He asked.

Shocked, I stumbled on my words.

"Y-Y-Y-You y-you would have to ask him," I said.

He nodded, kneeling down to Akio's level.

"Can I hold you?" He asked.

He hesitated, nodding slowly. Kurusu~kun slipped his hands underneath his armpits, lifting him and placing him on his hip. Akio wrapped his arms around his neck.

I stared at him, shocked. I never thought Kurusu~kun would volunteer to help me with the kids. A light, bubbly feeling welled up in my chest. It was refreshing.

As the subway rattled on, someone turned on the news.

"It seems The Phantom Thieves of Hearts has struck again. Just last night, a man fell at the feet of a police officer, spouting how he was the thief of the local bank......"

"Big sister!" Manami said. "We should call The Phantom Thieves of Hearts!"

I whipped my head towards her, shocked.

"W-W-What?! M-Manami~chan! What have I said about eavesdropping?!"

Kurusu~kun didn't react, but his movements slowed.

But big sister!" Akio whined from Kurusu~kun's arms, speaking in Japanese. "They can get rid of the bad man!"

I went rigid.


"Yeah, big sister!" Yukio said from my feet. "Call The Phantom Thieves of Hearts!"

They began talking at once, begging me to call them. My heart was racing, my body going damp with sweat. I stole a glance at Kurusu~kun, relieved but nervous to find him staring out the subway window.

"Okay okay," I said hurriedly. "I will think about it."

They beamed, cheering just as the subway reached our stop. We walked out of the train.

"T-Thank you Kurusu~kun, I'll take them to school."

He shook his head.

"I'll take them with you." He said, beginning to walk.

I stared at him shocked before rushing after him, hopping Manami higher onto my hip.


The walk to school was awkward. Neither of us spoke after dropping off the children. I sighed as the gates came into sight.

"Nyoko~chan," His voice startled me.

He gently grabbed my shoulder, bring me to a stop. I kept my head down.

"Who is this 'bad man'?"

I went rigid.

"I-I-It's n-no one." I stammered, begging my body to stop trembling. "J-J-Just the kids s-spouting n-nonsense." I went to take his hand off of my shoulder. "W-W-We should head insi---"

He gripped my shoulder tighter, spinning my body around. His brows were furrowed, his lips pulling a frown. I swallowed.

"Something isn't adding up Nyoko~chan." He said, pushing me gently against the wall. I tensed further. "Three times now I've heard the kids ask if I was a bad man, and Ann told me how the kids asked if she was a bad person like someone she called 'him'."

I felt the color of my skin drain from my face.

"I-It's n-nothing K-Kurusu~kun--"

"Don't say that Nyoko~chan." He said sternly.

I gripped my hands together, trying to make them stop trembling. I avoided his eyes, knowing that if I looked I would spill all my secrets.

The bell rang, and my shoulders sagged in relief. He sighed, releasing my shoulder.

"Don't think this conversation is over Nyoko~chan." He said sternly.

I waited until he walked past the gates before sagging to the ground. I whimpered, curling into a ball.

I can't tell him, he'll get hurt because of me if I tell him.

I have to protect everyone.

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