.4 Monster

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"Going on a big ol' date.." Jessie sings as she walks towards me in the hallway - well, she more swaggers. I laugh at her as Jay joins us, dropping a heavy arm over my shoulders.

"Ooh, with who?" he asks in the same voice as my brother which is unsettling. Jessie waves him off and I stare at her in attempt to talk to her telepathically. I raise my eyebrows as if to say With Judd? and she gives a small nod to say Yep. It worked.

"Okay what the fuck is happening?" Jay complains, disconnecting our unspoken conversation. A boy who looks a little too developed to be in middle school walks up to us.

"Hey guys, hi Nina." he says sheepishly and I nod happily at him.

"I need to complain about something that I've been wanting to talk about for a while but since Nick and I aren't close anymore.." ah, he's a rambler. We all look at him but I'm not sure if we're all listening. I'm trying to. The more friends, the better.

"I just don't know what's happening with Missy. Does she care about me, does she not? I don't know. But all I know is that I cannot go though life stuck on one girl because then I'll just be stuck at some corporate job while staring at an old year book picture of her and thinking 'where did I go wrong?' for the rest of my life." he speaks so passionately I think I love him.

But everything he says goes through one ear and out the other. Luckily, Jessie was and puts her hand on his shoulder. Damn, that's impressive to have such a god attention span. Or maybe she's just developed a tolerance for the boys speeches. I never even got his name.

Jay and I walk to our next class together - drama where we always give the best performances.

I pick out a scene I've written for us to perform where he plays a ghost. I have to explain that it's not one where he wears a white sheet and it takes half the lesson.

We played it out pretty well, even better when we performed it to the class. We did really good and the entire class was clapping loudly by the end.

"What play was that?" our drama teacher, Miss Hayes asks. Jay answers for me.

"She wrote it."

Miss Hayes looks shocked and pleased as she beams: "You wrote it?" in which I nod happily.

"I wrote an entire two acts and just have a few more scenes until I'm fully done." I explain and she looks up excitedly.

"This would be amazing for our school if we performed a play that a student has written. Would you like to put it up here in school?"

"Yeah!" I squeal and Jay laughs. I kick his foot and the bell rings. I run out the door before everyone leaves from their classes, spinning around excitedly. Man, I love this school.

"Ow!" I hear someone whine as I accidentally smack someone with my open arm. I quickly retreat and look at my victim. She's blonde with a terrible fringe and already seems daunting by her height and angry scowl.

"Sorry!" I say quickly and look at my shoes. It's like she's towering over me; just as I fear from my life, a slightly less terrifying laugh comes into play with scary girls growl.

"Oh, Lola. You're so funny." the girl says and I turn to see a girl who instantly gives me 'mean girls' vibes. The other girl, Lola, moves back completely and even looks shy.

"Hi, I'm Devin. I basically run this place." she introduces and flicks her shiny dark hair over her shoulder. I admire her dress and bitchy tone, seeing everything I ever wanted to be in middle school. Sucks that I ended up doing magic, though.

"Nina." I smile back and the bigger girl starts to pull her away. She turns and winks at me before she's completely gone. I cock my head to the side like a lost puppy and stare at the two, sashaying through the hallway like they're on a model runway.

And of course, when I turn around I bump into another person. And of course, I drop the script I was holding in my hands - holding it because it hasn't been stapled yet. The paper goes everywhere as the crowd thins and he comes down to help me get them all. Once we've gathered all of them and I've muttered 'sorry' about ten times, he puts his pile on top of mine. When he does, I see a ring around his forefinger. I stare at it and when he pulls away I grab it.

"Are you married?" I ask, slightly afraid of the answer. He laughs and responds in a deep voice.

"Yeah, I know. My wife's the hottest girl in school." he brags and I kiss my teeth. Letting go of his hand, I gather my script back up and shove it in my bag. We both stand up and I see how close we are. He steps back, good little married man.

"Well done, I guess." I laugh we walk our separate ways. I walk along the lockers, waiting to be late to class. But something makes me stop in my tracks. Okay, so we are made to believe that everything happens for a reason. Like that I was meant to be late to class and walk slowly around the longest way just so that I could stop in front of the janitors closet that stupidly has a window in the door. And his eyes meet mine almost immediately.

Why, for the love of the god, would you touch yourself in school? And why would you want to?

Andrew screams and trips over, just enough that I see him fully naked from the waist down. Ugh, middle school boys.

And because I'm anything but normal, I don't run away but instead open the door.

"Oh my god, Nina, I swear what you just saw.." he starts to explain but I can't talk. My airway is blocked and I can't think, my eyes become dry from not blinking. The awkward kid standing near me waves his hand in front of my face but I can't move.

"Andrew, why is she staring at me?" it says in a scratchy,human male voice. I point directly at the massive thing, towering over us with its hideous yellow skin and brown fur.

And then I scream. Because I am staring at something from the where the wild things are. It has a heart shaped head with small yellow ears and a horn sticking out of it. It has eyebrows and eyes and a mouth and a really weird nose. It has arms and legs and a fat belly. I am staring at a monster. I am screaming at a monster.

I feel Andrew staring between us, not at all disturbed by the monster in such close proximity.

"Wait.. Nina! Nina!" he shouts and puts his hand on my shoulder and I stop screaming. I stare at him with my eyes popping out of my head.

"You see him?" he says in a hushed voice. I barely catch my breath enough to whisper back,


Yeah I know I haven't posted in like months... oops.. but hey, look at this!
Also, I know in the show it's like only they can see the hormone monsters but it's also kind of a metaphor and I'm trying to turn it into a literal monster situation.. updating soon, I promise x

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