.3 New Friend

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I stride through the halls like in the star of a music video. Until I bump into someone and look like an idiot.

"Agh.. sorry." I murmur, helping them pick up the books they dropped. When I look up I see her face. She has red hair I remember seeing in my classes that's tied up in the most obnoxious ponytail.

Her eyes drift to behind me where I turn to see the small boy I did the trick on the other day.

"I'm Nina." I decide to introduce myself and her eyes flick back to me. She furrows her eyebrows together before smiling warily.

"Jessie." she eventually says and sticks her hand out for me to shake.

She wants me to shake her hand.

I laugh and take it.

"Wanna be friends, Jessie?" my brother, Aiden always tells me to be upfront and forward with people to get my way. She doesn't shudder and smiles back instantly.

"Yeah, sure. You're friends with Jay, I see." she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Just friends, trust me. I like older guys." I say like that classic bitch that no one likes. But instead of rolling her eyes, Jessie nods and smiles.

"Me too." she agrees.


"Okay so he's basically a phsycopath?" I suggest after listening to Jessie's description of the guy she's into, Judd. Apparently he's that short guy's brother and apparently really tall.

"Kind of. Here's a picture." Jessie says nervously and shows me her phone. Oh. Okay.

"And you want him to like you?" I clarify and she nods, blushing suddenly. I smirk, diving into my closet.

I end up picking out some severely ripped jeans, a tight black vest and a black open shirt for her clothes.

"I'm pretty good at makeovers. I see it as another form of magic." I laugh to myself as Jessie changes in my bathroom.

When she emerges she looks great. I then proceed to do some edgy makeup and add a stripe of blue to her hair.



You can do this, Jessie. Just don't freak out. You look good.

I walk past him slowly and wait for something
to happen. He's sitting on a crate in the alleyway after having just spray painted on the bricks so he'll have a perfect view of me walking past. And he does.

"Hey." his husky voice is like music to my ears. I've never heard his voice like this though. Could it be his flirting voice? I smile and turn around. Judd's sexy mouth parts when he sees me.

"Jessie?" he asks in disbelief and stands up.

"Yeah?" I answer coolly like Nina taught me. For a second I thought that she would be a better suit for Judd. But I think she's got something with Jay.

"You look.. good." he says, stepping forward and causing my heart to start beating faster.

"Thanks. It's a new thing I'm trying." I give him a half-smile and tap my foot like he's wasting my time.

"Stay like that." he demands softly, glancing at my body before going back into the alley. I take a deep breath, calming down my pulse before running around the corner and finding Nina. We start jumping up and down like crazy.

"Thank you! Thank you!" I exclaim happily.


I wake up to my alarm pounding it's annoying beep through my ears. I slap it off my bedside table and lift the covers over my head. As much as I like this new school, I'm still not totally into the whole waking-up-at-the-break-of-dawn thing.

But I begrudgingly get up, put on my clothes, pack my bag, brush my teeth and hair and grab my keys before running for the yellow bus. I catch it, thank god. But it doesn't take long for me to realise:

"I'm on the wrong bus."

"What?" the boy next to me asks and I turn to his acne-infested face with very noticeable braces clinging to his teeth. Turning to the rest of the people on here, I see all of the guys are tall and all of the girls with curves. Fuck.

I'm on a high school bus.

I get up and try to talk to the driver but he's listening to music to drown out the kids. Understandable, but extremely inconvenient.

I walk to the back where the windows are, I can probably climb out of them when we pass the middle school. After years of being brushed aside and going through everything unnoticed, it's hard to remember that some people do notice the weird girl at the back of the bus kneeling on the seats and trying to jam open the window with her elbow.

"Those ones are locked. You're not the first to attempt an escape." a voice I faintly recognise says from beside me. I turn to see Jay's brother, Val - the lankier one. He's smirking at me and my failing attempts. He must thing I am such an idiot.

"I got on the wrong bus by mistake." I explain shyly as I take in the fact that his feet are centimetres away from my legs. He's leaning against the side of the bus with his legs fully stretched out across the seats. I guess not many people sit at the back.

"I got that from when you walked to the front and yelled at the bus driver." he grins and I roll my eyes.

"I didn't yell." I protest and he just laughs in response.

"Anyway, they're not stopping at any more houses and we're about to come up to my school so how am I supposed to get out?" I say quickly, becoming stressed. If we get to the high school then I'll be so late trying to get back. Val swings his legs down and moves over to me, he points to the window he was leaning against.

"That window opens all the way. Courtesy of me and my crow bar." he says proudly and I let out a sigh of relief. The stoplight is right outside of the middle school and thankfully we stop at it. I quickly jump over the boy's legs and push the window all the way, bending over.

"Lovely view." I hear him comment which makes my cheeks heat up. They get hotter as I feel hands on the backs on my legs, pushing me up and out. I get out and land in one piece. When I stand up I stand on my tiptoes to look through the window.

"Thanks." I breath happily.

"My pleasure." he winks and I laugh, ignoring my racing pulse.

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