.2 Oh, Brother

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To say that the house looks run down would be an understatement. Vines creeping up the brick walls and all.

But it's inticing. I walk towards the hideous wooden door and knock it. But as I do, it creaks open like it weighs nothing. I step inside warily. It's unexpectedly not as ugly as I expected. A little vintage and has no way near as many stains on the walls as I expected.

"Stalker?" I call out nervously. I need to learn his actual name at some point. And soon enough he comes thundering down the creaky stairs. I feel like I am in a haunted house.

He leads me upstairs and right into what I assume is his room. Gazing around it, I notice a sexy magician poster and let out is sudden laugh.

"I think I love this room." I chuckle and sit on the edge of a surprisingly comfy bed. He walks over to a desk and picks up a deck of cards.

"Yeah, I just washed my sheets with a hose. Y'know, to be polite." he rambles and I shift on the bed a little.

He shows me some easy card tricks that are actually quite impressive and whips out his "magic box" which to my surprise, has no sex toys in it. He tells me that his name is Jay and I tell him that his name sounds like an old deaf guy. As I start to describe my tricks, a loud crashing comes from downstairs and I flinch, clutching Jay's arm tight.

"Don't worry. That's just my brothers, Val and Kurt." he says flippantly like all brothers make that kind of racket.

"You have brothers? Oh, I've gotta see how weird they are." I awe and open his door, leaving to go downstairs with the stalker promptly following me. But he dashed ahead of me and reaches a door underneath the stairs.

"I'll go first." he suggests and before I can protest he's running down those stairs too like a child on christmas morning. Two deep voices murmur something and after a shriek from Jay there's a loud thump. I walk slowly through the door that creaks as much all the others in this house that you would expect homeless people to squat in.

"Um.. Jay?" I ask before everything comes into site.

Yep, this is definitely a murder house.

The boys have their backs to me, one clearly Jay by his lack of height and two others. They all turn around slowly wearing horrifying masks. One looks like the Joker and I back up into the wall.

"Jay you've got some weird fucking family.." I murmur.They all chuckle and remove the masks, revealing the faces of Jay's brothers. They both had dark hair and tanned skin yet one is thinner than the other.

The thinner one catches sight of my socks and smirks.

"You guys are Jay's brothers.. figures." I roll my eyes at the boxing ring behind them. Jay laughs again and runs up the stairs for me to follow.

"Why are you hanging out with our weirdo brother?" the bigger one raises his eyebrows and elbows his brother.

"Guess I'm a bit of a weirdo too." I smile and walk up the stairs. For some reason I'm still smiling when I get all the way up. They were cute.


I open my eyes slightly to see the dark sky and dim lights of Jay's room. I fell asleep. We hung out for ages and set of fireworks so when we got back here we were both really tired.

Then I realise, I'm lying on someone. I blink enough to wake up and see Jay's face with his eyes closed. Oh crap.

I slowly get up and write a note about leaving and walk quietly to the front door. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I jump before spinning around. It's one of the brothers from earlier. It's the skinnier one.

"I like your socks." he says in a low and scratchy voice. I scan him up and down and shrug.

"They help me stand out." I answer truthfully. I am not getting into the whole 'My parents never notice me because my brother is always going to be the center of attention' thing with this guy I barely know.

He smirks and I open the door, leaving him standing there as I walk away.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I yell into the house and in response see my mother bustling into the kitchen.

"No need to shout, darling." she scolds as I carelessly drop my keys onto the counter.

"You don't care that I was out past curfew?" I ask and cross my arms. She just yawns and ignores my question suggesting her parenting skills.

"I'm going to bed. You should to." she sighs and walks back out of the kitchen.

My house is pretty modern with its pearly white floors and shiny stairs.

Once I'm up the stairs, I walk down the hall to my room. I pass my brothers room with the door open and peer in. Of course.

My brother, Aiden is sitting at his desk talking to his open laptop.

"How's the boyfriend?" I tease and he jolts in shock before turning to me angrily.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" he demands and I chuckle in response. I walk into his bland room and lean over his shoulder to see the computer. The pretty boy in the computer looks back at me for a second before we simultaneously sigh, "Oooh."

He's the guy from class, the one I recognised. Makes sense.


My door is the only non-modern thing in this house. It's wooden with things scratched into it like: The fortress of Ninatude or I am the one who knocks.

I push it open and kick it closed, flopping onto my bed.

You'd never think you could be the outcast in your own family. But I am a very accurate representation of one. Aiden is the apple of my parents eyes and I am the mouldy orange that sits at the back of the refrigerator.

People say that's why I wear the stripy socks and why I do magic - for attention.

It's not. And I'm glad I finally met someone who understands.

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