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Sherlock couldn't focus on his experiment anymore. John's words rattling around his head, like an infestation he couldn't be rid off. He wishes he had the courage to run up to John's rooms, slam open the door and confess that he does in fact care about soulmates because John is his. At least from the minimal movies he's seen that's how he should do it, yet it doesn't seem right. It doesn't make sense to Sherlock to confess his feelings to John, when John is so conflicted with his. Sherlock can see the battle behind the eyes, the mental war going on in John's silly little brain, so he knows out right confession to John would make things worse. But how does he face this task head on but without scaring John away. He knows the man cares about him, John made that evident himself, and Sherlock would watch the world burn if it mean John would stay by his side. Yet Sherlock doesn't know how to come at it from a different angle, for once in his life his big brain is failing him.

Hours tick by as Sherlock is sat contemplating what he should do. He's disturbed from his thoughts by footsteps ascending the stairs of 221B, knowing it's not John brings relief but also disappointment. However when Mrs Hudson peers around the door of the flat, his hopes are lifted again.

"Mrs Hudson, I need help."

She physically jumped, startled by the presence of an early morning Sherlock. She had noticed he'd been sleeping a lot more since the doctor moved him, she'll have to thank him for that one day.

"You startled me, what did you say dear?"

"I need your help," Sherlock mentally curls into a ball, terrified of his landlady's reaction to what he's about to say next.

The words just seem to spill out, "John's my soulmate and I don't know how to talk to him about it because there's clearly some internalized homophobia but I want to confess but I don't want to scare him away I don't know what to do."

It took all of Mrs Hudson's concentration to take in every word Sherlock said. She knew he had a habit of talking fast, but he's never spoke in such a manner before. After a few minutes of silence Mrs Hudson spoke,

"Well don't just spring it on him dear, just take it slow and give him chance to come around. He will eventually, he just needs time to come to terms with everything. For now just show you're there and that you're willing to listen and support him."
For once in his life, Sherlock absorbed the information given by his landlady, and added a new room to his mind palace:

'Dr John Watson'


Eyyy, I updated within a week. New record, I think. Anyways it's short, I know but it felt right to leave it there. Gotta keep the interest some how.

Big props to whoever finds the sneaky reference to Big Hero 6, if it's obvious enough. I didn't mean to add it but I wrote one bit of it and I had to make it a reference, plus it fits.

Anyway, I appreciate the patience of you lovely readers because God knows I'd be crying if a fanfiction I was reading was so bad at updating.


You Left A Mark - A Johnlock Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now