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John really liked this new flat, its decor and style was something he could never get bored of looking at and living with Sherlock had meant that the flat always held surprises. He felt like he was finally at home and comfortable, which surprised John as it usually took a long time for him to feel safe. He had found Sherlock quite alluring at their first meeting, and obviously the intelligence just drew John closer in like a well thought out trap. He couldn't help but to look at his flatmate in awe and wonder questioning how the world must look from his eyes, from the eyes of a true genius.

They continued the routine of Sherlock dragging John on cases, although John was starting to become more accustomed to this life and the thrills it brought about. He still couldn't quite understand what had drawn him to Sherlock so quickly, he's never trusted so easily. Just before leaving on one case, John had realised they were out of milk in the flat. Knowing that Sherlock won't have noticed and wouldn't care, John made a note on his arm to remind him to grab some on the journey back. It didn't occur to him the importance of this decision, as any thought of his soulmate was lost during the war.

Sherlock was running ahead of John in excitement at the obscurity of this case, he'd always liked the weird ones they tested his brain more. Whilst examining the room the body lay in, he caught sight of something on his arm and dismissed it. Probably just a loose thread or a trick of the eye, so he dismisses it without a second thought. After the room was fully examined, Sherlock moved to the body, gaining more and more information as his attention became devoted to solving this case.

He hands the final piece of evidence to Lestrade and leaves, with a trailing John behind him. They both enter the taxi, John interrupting Sherlock before he can say 221B Baker Street, and make their way to the nearest shop. John explains they need some milk and thought it to be efficient to grab some on the way back, Sherlock just gazes out the window, head in hand. He watches John leave as the taxi waits, and again notices that mark on his arm and this time curiosity got the better of him. Pulling back the sleeve of his coat, Sherlock reads the scrawly writing. -"Milk"-. 

You Left A Mark - A Johnlock Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now