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I'm sorry for vanishing for a while, I got caught up in exams and this became second priority, and keeping relaxed and sane became first. It's not that this sin't relaxing it just takes brain power I didn't have. But now I'm finished my final exams and now have an extended summer so hopefully I'll upload more.


Years pass and John still receives no sign from his so called soulmate. He resents them now, despises them for making him feel this way. He's felt alone all his life, secluded because he didn't have a soulmate and the one person who is meant to love him, ignores him. He's sick and tired of feeling useless, played and alone. He signs up for the army. It's his only option. It's his only escape.

During the journey, John decides to give it one last go -"I'm going to war"- and he waits. For the whole journey John avoids looking at his arm, he refuses to see the defeat he'd face once again. He's terrified of being rejected, yet he isn't concerned that he's heading to a literal battlefield. As he gets up to move, John spots markings out the corner of his eye -"Don't die"-.

That's what keeps John alive.

-"I'm going to war"- panic strikes him. Sherlock was just beginning to accept this idea of soulmates and was considering contact, but if this is the stupidity of them then he doesn't care. Yet he feels compelled to at least give them something so he writes -"Don't die"- hoping that they come back alive.

Sherlock never gets a response.

You Left A Mark - A Johnlock Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now