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"Mummy, I didn't write this. It just appeared. I'm scared."

"There's nothing to be afraid of dear, it's just your soulmate."

He'd never heard that word before, but it worried him.


"Yes, it's someone who you will find one day and spend the rest of life with."

He didn't want that, he didn't want to do that. People were an enigma to Sherlock, he couldn't fathom the idea of spending the rest of his life with one. But the writing amazed him - "What's your name?" - however he didn't answer, he didn't want this person to find him.

He was only young, but watching the people around him, he found out this idea of a soulmate was a pivotal part of people's lives. That made it certain, Sherlock wanted nothing to do with it.

"So if I write something on my arm, my soulmate will see it?"

"Yeah, and they can do the same back."

This excited John, a new friend who he could meet one day. He wasn't sure what a soulmate was but it seemed important.

"What should I write first?"

"How about asking them their name?"

John did just that - "What's your name?" - and waited eagerly for a reply. He couldn't wait to get to know this person, and find out all about them.

Hours passed and the ink was fading, but his soulmate never replied. John convinced himself that maybe they were younger so couldn't read or write just yet. Or they've been busy all day. Or they haven't noticed because of their clothes. Or maybe he didn't have one. That hurt John, he wanted a soulmate, he wanted to have this important person. Everyone made it seem like such a big deal, he wanted that.

You Left A Mark - A Johnlock Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now