Start from the beginning

"Stop talking and stalking me like this, Malam." She glare up at him and curse herself for the uncountable time for being short.

"Then stop and hear me." He argued back, he's just fifteen and she's even older than him but he has the audacity to stop her.

If only he was older than her, she would've stopped and listen to him. Even tell him to go and see her father because everyone's eye in that village is on her. They all want to see her get married even after knowing that there is someone from above who doesn't want that to happen.

"Am I your mate? How many times have I told you not to stop me ever again?" She threw another hot glare before sidestepping him and running off, couldn't wait to open her gift.

"Why are you smiling like this?" Her stepmother asked, grimacing. She's totally against seeing this stupid beautiful girl all happy and cool.

"I did it. I have all the verses of Qur'an in my head! Can you believe it, I finally did it. I'm so so happy!" She grinned cheekily at the still grimacing stepmother.

Adama glared and hissed before going back to cooking the food she sells. Why must this useless girl gets everything she wants for her children? Now the whole village will be proud of her since she's the first girl to have the whole Qur'an in her head. All her plans will be ruined and she'll get the husband she wished for, maybe even richer than her daughters'.

Falak flip her off and entered her room. She sat herself on the stone she call chair and search her leather Islamic bag to look for her gift. Finally seeing it, she brought it out and beamed at it before opening it slowly like she's about to see bomb but still can't wait to see it.

There sat a beautiful bracelet with pinkish peach diamond like thing in the middle and the rest is gold. It's very beautiful! She thought, beaming at the bracelet that's already around her left wrist, it really compliments her fair skin.

She lie down a little, dreaming about her crush when her father walked into the house, the sun already setting. She stood up immediately and went to hug him which took him by surprise since nothing of that sort ever happened between them or the whole village for that matter. There is no relationship like that between fathers and daughters in the village no matter how close they are.

He wrapped his arms around her small back even though he feels tired and weak. He's so tired and he's sick but has to go out to get some money for what he has planned for her. She should enjoy life since there is no doubt that he's dying, he could feel it deep down and can't tell a thing.

"What's the occasion?" He smiled weakly, pulling away from his hyperactive daughter.

"I did it, Abba." He knows what she's talking about so he beamed and hug her again, maybe this is the last time.

"Masha'Allah! I'm so very proud of you, my dear. I know we'll soon hear from the district head." He beamed, feeling his energy coming back with full force.

"Thank you, Abba." She smiled sheepishly before collecting the fifty naira he's giving her to buy food.

After buying the Hausa spaghetti and not so sweet soup, Falak finally settle back on the stone in her room. She kept thinking about how many young handsome lads giving her lustful and longing looks but no one approached her. It's so annoying and she just wants to slap their faces most of the times.

Not that she wants to get married now or anything, but at least someone should show a little interest and she should stop being the sour thumb everywhere. She's tired of been pointed at even though no foul words were used.

She sighed, plopping herself to sleep on her mattress with her pile of small clothes serve as her pillow. She drifted into a dreamless sleep where no one matters but her peace of mind.


"Falak, you really should stop your buoyancy when you're with your stepmother. That woman is dangerous and now that you guys are needed by the district head, she'll make it more difficult for you." Marawiyyah ordered, looking at her friend and also a sister with concern. The girl needs to learn a lot even though she's seventeen, she acts like thirteen.

"I can't help it and you know it." Falak grumbled, sitting back on her mattress like bed.

Marawiyyah came in earlier after she finished selling her groundnut only to find Falak talking to her stepmother like her long lost friend and the woman was just seething and fuming. Who know whether she was about to land a slap on Falak's cheek if she hasn't shown up.

"You have to try this for my sake and yours please, she can be dangerous from what I'm hearing around the village." Marawiyyah warned again.

"I know! It's just me you know? I can't help it sometimes with her but I'm trying to reduce it also." She sighed, her mouth likes bubbling shit and maybe even Marawiyyah is tired of her as a friend.

"Don't you dare say that!" Marawiyyah shoot a hot glare at Falak which cause her to bit her tongue, her bad habit of saying her thoughts always land her in trouble. She can't help herself, it's like she's cursed with it because no matter how much she try not to, she must do it and she's even tired of stopping herself.

"Thank God you know." She did it again. Ugh!

"I don't know how to stop you know." She chuckled at her own self and stupidity.

"Don't stop, keep being yourself and continue with your uniqueness. I love it but never doubt my friendship for you." She grinned and they continue with their activity.

"I know you love me so so much, Mars." She grinned toothily, looking at her closest friend, other than her best friend.

"Don't get ahead of yourself girl, I love Idris more than anyone." She flaunts, sighing with a dreamy look just to get Falak to be very defensive like she always does when she compare them together. She hates comparison no matter how true it is, you'll fight because of it.

"Don't get me mad right now, Mars. You know I don't like when you do that, better say that beautifully before my genie make their appearance." Falak narrowed her eyes at the girl.

"I love you small, whatever." Marawiyyah manage to close the topic even though Falak kept whining about it like they whiney girl she is.

Who just updated? Yeah, me the one and only Aisha. You're well wisher! What do you think about our Falak? More shenanigans o😹 Read, vote and comment❤
RQ; Will you ever let your best friend marry your husband because she loves him? Me? Hell NO, we won't even go there.😌


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