Chapter 4: Sanctuary, More Like Ban-ctaury, Part 4

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I had to question it myself. I wasn't sure if Geraldine said what she had just said. "What was that, Geraldine?"

The queen turned around and grabbed into the shoulder of her robes. "I said I will take your head." She jerked her robing and tugged it off, throwing the cloth out to the side. Now I could see what she wore underneath; leather pants, boots, and a baggy blouse. Her long, amber-colored hair hung over her shoulders and back, her face wearing determination and grit. "Give me the axe, Tom."

I watched the jester twirl around on his feet and pick up an executioner's axe that'd been hanging near the picture of her and her family. She rolled up her sleeves and took the large, two-handed, axe as Tom brought it over. She gripped it with white-hot knuckles, squeezing into the haft with a steely resolve. She had trained for this day.

"Now hold it, Geraldine," I said, raising my hand up to try and stop her. "I came here to make amends."

"Then die already, you fuckin' low-life mutt."

She raised the axe over her right shoulder and charged at me. I screamed in terror and tried to think on what to do. Dodge, yes dodge. I tilted right and the axe she launched hit the back of my dining chair. I could hear it hew the wood in two. Close call.

"Please, Geraldine—"

"Don't you say another word. I'm taking your head," she mumbled as she jerked on the axe to dislodge it. "I'm going to mount it on my throne."

I screamed again in high-pitched horror as the axe came for my neck. I immediately dropped down out of the chair and slid under the table. I crawled, looking around for a place to retreat to, but Lilly bouncing up and down in her chair had given me pause.

"What are you doing!?" I asked the succubus.

"This is a funny game," she said down at me.

"It's not a game!"


"Hold still you cowardly weasel," Geraldine said from above. She was on top of the table now, and cleaved right into it. She almost smashed my head in. "I'll make sure it is quick and clean, unlike papa's death."

I began crawling with speed towards the other end of the table. I pushed through past Geraldine's chair and rolled out onto the ground, getting up to my knee. Geraldine was there on the table, tugging on her axe once more, trying to dislodge it. Where was Tom?

I guess beside me, his toy scepter was clubbing me over top of my head. I raised my arms to shield myself, all while that scepter bludgeoned me.

"You killed two of my brothers, you asshole," Tom shouted at me. "Get him, milady!"

I looked to my left and saw Geraldine running across the table, down, and to the floor to get to me. It was all quick and fluid, how fast I could move, how quick these events turned. I leaned back, dodging Tom's scepter, and held my foot out to trip Geraldine. She stumbled, dropped her axe, and hit the floor. One down, another to go.

This jester was still trying to club me! I had to do something. I know! I grabbed the scepter from him, wrestled with him for it, and knocked him to the floor. As he tried to get up, I hit him over top of the head with the sad face side of the top, knocked him right to the ground and broke the toy in two. I threw the broken piece of wood across the room, breathing out hard. My lungs felt like they were on fire, and the damn scepter hurt too.

"Bastard," Geraldine said to me behind her gritted teeth.

She was trying to get back up, but I pointed my right hand at her. I pulled my glove off, showing her my bloodied hand, readying myself to use my magic. It was natural for me to do this.

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