Chapter 4: Sanctuary, More Like Ban-ctuary, Part 2

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"Lilly told us all the demons have went back to Hel," Jo said as she picked herself up on the counter and sat facing me. "This true?"

The corners of my lips twitched in irritation, my smile faked and forced. "Yes. Thank you, Lilly, for telling everyone."

"I've just told JoJo and Shrugs McShrugs," she told me. "They seem okay."

I turned to Dimitri—Shrugs McShrugs—and looked him up and down. Yeah, he looked like a McShrugs. "Anyways," I said as I looked back to Lilly. "Tell no one else. And that goes for both of you too." I quickly pointed between Jo and Dimitri.

"We know," Jo said. "Typhous can't be trusted with such information."

"Oh, you think?" I grunted.

Jo gave me bitter face before plucking a cigarette from her overall's pocket. She put it up to her mouth and I quickly plucked it out, throwing it to the side.

"No smoking," I said. "Promised your dad."

"Okay, fine, but what's with the get up?" she asked as she waved her hand at my choice set of clothing. "Are you going somewhere."

"Actually, now that you bring It up, yes. I need to do some searching, going to leave you and Dimitri in charge 'til I get back."

"How long?"

"Few days, a week tops."

"Where ya going?"


"Searching where?"

I leaned in slowly and half-closed my eyes. My looks could be sinister when I wanted them to be. "I have to look for something. Something not of import to you. Can you watch the castle for me?"

"Jeez," she started. "Yeah, Dimitri and I have it handled. You going to take any of the guard with you?"

I shook my head. This elicited a queer glance from all three of them. "What?"

"You shouldn't go alone," Jo said. "And what do we tell Typhous?"

I shook my head. "This journey is mine alone to make. You know me, I am more than able to protect myself. Tell ol' stank breath I am meditating and praying in my rooms, don't let him in there. I should be back by the end of the week, and I'll be better."

"You are sick," Jo said, jumping down from the counter and grabbing the wide sleeves of my robe. "What's wrong, sir?"

"Nothing," I said, pulling my well-made robe out of her hands. I didn't want them ruffled. "Seriously, nothing. It's—a journey of self-exploration."

All three made a disgusted look at what I said. I was bound to agree, it sounded dumb, but it was true.

"Listen, do this for me," I said. "Everything is alright, I promise."

"Well, if you say so," Jo said. "When are you leaving?"


"Now, really?"

"Yeah. I'm going to go to my lab and the kitchen real quick, then I'm out."

"Be safe then, sir. Call us if you get into any trouble."

Doubt the Sanctuary countryside had any service, but I did have my cellphone on me just in case. "Okay then. I'll be on my way. Make sure Lilly here Is comfortable." I nodded my head towards the blonde succubus.

"I don't get to go?" Lilly asked, stepping up and tilting her head to the side. I knew her tricks, so I immediately closed my eyes. "Hey, look at me."

Rituals, Regrets, and Really Dumb PeopleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ