School Glorious School

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Chapter 2

Jezebel's pov

I slammed my door shut and sigh once again. I'm so not looking forward to school with all the stuck up girls who think they're all that to the boys that can't stop drooling over me and my sisters. It's was annoying and I'd rather much go to boxing then school any day.

I went up to my closet and grabbed my uniform for school, and don't get me started with the uniforms. I mean first they tell us to wear things don't show too much skin then they get us to wear short skirts, I'm pretty sure the male teachers voted for that.

I put on the uniform during my mind ranting and looked at myself in the mirror, yuck I look like a girl. Shaking my head I put on a big sweater that even my arms are too small for then looked at the mirror again. I guess that's as less girly as I can get it too.

With another sigh I went out of my room to find Rory dancing around with head phones as she swings around what looked like nun chunks around. How on earth did she get those, actually I don't want to know. She twirled around and almost hit me.

I glared at her, "Watch it! You almost hit me" I said angrily, yes I'm very short tempered but it makes me stronger so really its okay to be. Especially with an idiot like her around. She turned around and gave me a sorry look with a sheepishly smile.

"SORRY JEZBEL, DIDNT SEE YOU THERE" she yelled in my face and I just kept glaring at her while ripping her ear phones off. "I'm right beside you so you don't have to yell" I said as she tried to reach for her ear phones.

"Ooookayyyy, I get itttt. Just hand me my music dudette" she whines and I rolled my eyes at her as I handed them to her just to shut her up. "Anyway where did you find those?" I asked while pointing at the nun chucks.

"Oh these," she starts while lifting them in the air, "funny story. You see I was walking to the pizza place for my jelly bean pizza I ordered. As I was walking these things hit me in the head. I think it was god trying to tell me I needed these" she says with a goofy smile.

I just faced palm as Annie and Alex came out of their rooms ready for the day. "Let's go guys" Alex says in her leader voice as she came up to us. You see because Alex is the oldest one here, she thinks that she's the leader but I completely disagree with that.

"Ah school I miss it so much" Annie the geeky said with a big smile and I rolled my eyes, I never meet someone who loves school as much as her. "Wait. Why do you have nun chucks Rory?" Alex asked finally seeing them.

"Oh funny story dudette--" Rory started to say but I covered her mouth. "We get it. God sent them to you for a purpose" I said and Rory nodded her head happily. "Can we go to school now" Annie asked already at the door with her nose in another book.

"Yeah let's go" Alex said as she went to the door. Shaking my head we walked out the door to go to the glorious school that's waiting for us.


We are almost at school walking down the sidewalk well the three of us are walking and Rory was staking on her board bobbing her head to the music she was listening too. "Ah I didn't know that" Annie suddenly mumbled to herself.

"Didn't know what?" Alex asked and I glare at her, I about to go to lectures right now and I don't need one form Annie the geeky. "Cells in our body can talk by sending light signals to different part of our bodies" Annie replied with her nose still suck in that book.

"Wow that was really interesting, please continue" I said in a bored voice and straight face and I see Annie rolling her eyes at that. I finally can see the school and almost wanted to run right now but I know that Alex can and will pick me up to bring to school.

"OMG, it's the Jones" someone whispered shout and I rolled my eyes, I hated being the centre of attention yet it seems to find us wherever we go. We walked into the school gates and everyone's eyes were on us.

"Alex how was your summer?" A guy off the sidelines asked my sister. "Good, thanks for asking" my sister replied with a smile and the guy blushed madly, lord help us now.

"Hey dudes and dudettes, how's it going!" Rory said while waving at everyone with a big goofy smile. Everyone smiled at that and waved back. Some geeks came up to Annie and asked her for autographs, and then there's me shaking my head at everything.

"U-Um, h-hi" a voice from behind me said and I turned around to see a very skinny guy standing there with a blush of his face. "What do you want?" I asked with a glare and he just blushed more while I turning and going to his friends.

"Awesome dude, the Pom Pom Tiger just talked to you" his friends said while I high giving him. Oh did I forget to mention that we have nicknames. I'm the Pom Pom Tiger because of how small and feisty I am, Annie nickname is Geeky Cutie because of her cute face and smart mouth, Alex is Boss Lady because she acts like the boss of everything, and Rory is Clownfish Girl because she's goofy and loud.

I hated these nicknames and think they're annoying as the way my sisters annoyed me sometimes. The bell ringed loudly and everyone started to go in the school still watching us. "Okay girls. Behave today and no getting detentions" Alex says sternly and I rolled my eyes.

She knows one of us is going to get detention so what's the point of saying that, most likely Rory will because she does stupid things all the time. I just walked away without saying anything as my other two sisters say okay, I mean I really hate how Alex acts sometimes.

I walked into my first class and see my cousin Casey Jones sitting with a redhead in the back, we haven't seen each other much during the summer expect for at the boxing place. I walked up to them and sat beside Casey with a small smirk.

"Hey Jones. Wheeling again?" I said in a amused voice and the both turned to me. Casey gave me a big smirk as the redhead have me a nervous look. "Hey little Jones, ya I am. How did you know?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Come on, I know you by now" I said lightly punching him the arm and I see the redhead rolling her eyes. "Hi I'm April O'Neil" the redhead said to me before Casey could reply. "More as I like to call her Red" Casey said smirking at April who rolled her eyes.

I couldn't help but smirk too, I mean me and Casey think a like most of the times but I'm the smarter one obliviously. "Will you stop with that nickname please. It's annoying" April said with a sigh.

"At least it's better the Pom Pom Tiger" I said with in a displeased voice. April looked at me than started to laugh at me and I rolled my eyes. "Really people call you that" she says through fits of laughter and I just glare at her.

"Yeah, pretty much everyone in the school" I said in a hard voice and I see Casey smirking in the background. "Yeah pretty much, oh and Red is new here that's why she didn't know" he said looking between us. I give April a fake smile of happiness trying no to crack.

"Oh well welcome to this glorious school" I said and felt my eye twitch out of anger, I really don't want to be here. "Alright class I gave you time to chit chat so you can get your talking out, now turn to the board and listen or else detention" Mrs. Sourpuss said in a stern voice.

"Wow get a detention for not looking at the broad" April mumbled in w disbelief voice. I smirk a little bit before whispering, "Like a said glorious school" before turning back to the board. Let's hope I don't get detention because I only have three classes to go after this.

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