Chapter 5

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Steven's POV
I'm a little scared to tell the gems that I'm pregnant. They told me that my mom gave up her gem when she was pregnant with me...

"Lars...should I tell the gems...?" I ask him. "If you want"
"I mean I don't want Pearl to freak out cuz he freaks out the most" I said with laughter.

"Hey Steven!" I hear Amethyst call me name "...y-yeah...!"
"Pearl wants to talk to you about something!"
"Um...okay I'll be there!"
So I gave Lars a kiss on the cheek and ran outside

I saw Pearl at the porch "uh hey...why do you need me..?"
"Oh I just wanna talk to you since you haven't even talked to me after you had sex with your boyfriend..."
I blushed "shut up, Pearl!" I said with a laugh

"Hehe. So what do you want to talk about?" She asked me "um...please don't freak out but...I'm pregnant..." I saw Pearls eyes widen "YOU'RE WHAT!?" I got scared when she screamed "I knew you would freak out..."

"But but...I don't wanna lose you too! I still remember the day when Rose Quartz disappeared..." She started to cry and hugged him "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE MEEE!!!"
I patted her on the back "'s okay...I'm half human so I won't disappear..."

Pearl looked at me "y-you...won't..?" I nodded "yup!"

Lars POV
I waited for Steven. Can't believe I made him pregnant...we don't know if the baby is gonna be a girl or boy. "Hey Lars! I told Pearl...she began to freak out but I told her that I'm not gonna give up my gem."

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the forehead "I hope not..." Steven giggled "hey I got a question for you."
"Is the baby gonna be a girl or boy?"
I asked him

Steven shrugged "um...I don't know...well my stomach is not big enough to know" he said with a laugh. I chuckled and placed my hands on his hips. I kissed him on the lips. I pulled away before someone came in "I love you~"
"Love you too~"

Steven's POV
After a few weeks, my stomach had gone a little big. It's only half. "Lets go to the doctor and see what the baby will look like" Lars said and I nodded.

"First, I have to tell the gems" I walked out of the temple and saw the gems doing something "hey what are you guys doing?" I asked them "oh we're doing a surprise for the baby" Pearl said

"Oh, you don't have to do it" I said blushing and giggling "well me and Lars are going to see the doctor and see if the baby is a girl or boy" Pearl nodded "okay be safe."
"You're over protective" Amethyst said and Pearl rolled her eyes.

I went back in the Temple. I saw Lars shirtless and blushed "L-Lars...?"
"Oh hey, Steven...trying to find a shirt to wear also like what you see~?" I blushed red. "Well t-tell me when you're r-ready..."

I walked to the couch and sat down. I placed my hand on my belly "Can't wait to see you. Me and Lars will be good parents and hope you enjoy this world"

I sighed and waited for Lars. After a couple of minutes, Lars finally came out of the closet and I saw him wearing my jacket "sorry...couldn't find the size for me, heh" I got up and hugged him.

I got on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek "why am I so short!" Lars giggled "One day, you'll grow"
"Yeah...I guess you're right..."
I smiled.

Sorry for not updating! I was really busy doing some stuff 😅 but hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for it being short.

Will the baby be a girl or boy? If boy, what name should they call him? If girl, what name should they call her? Well, tell me in the comments! 😋

I'm In Love With A Boy (Lars x Steven)Where stories live. Discover now