Chapter 1

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     Steven's POV
I was playing outside with the gems, we were playing dodgeball. Amethyst threw the ball at Pearl, who seem like she doesn't wanna play and she dodged it "Aw man!" Amethyst said and crossed her arms then it is my turn "come on Steven you can do it!" Amethyst cheered for me and I smiled

I threw the ball at Garnet and I missed "nice try" she said "Times up!" My dad who was being a couch said. "That was fun!" I said jumping up and down. Pearl giggled "yep, it was" I smiled at her then I looked at my dad "so when is the next round?" I asked "Steven, the sun is setting" I pouted "but...daaaaddd..."

"Go to bed, Steven" My dad said pointing to the temple. I groaned and walked into the temple. I laid on my bed and fell asleep. Yes, I was tired. I woke up in the middle of the night hearing some noises. I got up and went outside to see what's going on. It was Amethyst and Garnet building something.

"Hey guys, what are you doing?" I yelled asking "oh hey, Steven! We are building something!" Amethyst said. I went down the stairs "what are you guys building?" I asked "It's a surprise" Garnet said in a bored tone "is it someone's birthday!?"
"Then what's the surprise?"
"You'll see"

I growled softly "Well, thanks for waking me up! I was having the best dream of my life!" Amethyst looked at me and said "what kind of dream~?" She was in her flirty tone "Is it about Connie~" I blushed "n-no!" Amethyst laughed. I ran back to my bed and tried to fall asleep

The next morning, I woke up and got dressed. I checked the fridge "no food?" I looked at Amethyst who was eating everything "hehe lol, sorry Steven" I growled "I guess I have to go to Big Donut" I walked out and went to Big Donut "good morning!" I said walking in "oh hey, Steven" Sadie waves at me

Then Lars turned around "oh hey...." he doesn't seem happy...

Lars POV
Great. This brat again. Well he's kinda cute "I want a donut!" He said with his cute little smile "heh, what kind of donut?" Sadie asked "any!" Sadie giggled "oh my god, just pick a donut! You can't have all of them!" I yelled at him

Part of me doesn't want me to yell but the other side of me does. Shit, I didn't mean to yell at him. Steven just stared at me "uh....sorry" I apologized. "Aw, it's alright!" He gave me a hug and I blushed dark red "okay okay" I pulled away from the hug.

"I want that donut!" He pointed at the chocolate sprinkled donut. "Coming right up!" Sadie said and I just stand there still blushing. He hugged me....HE HUGGED ME! I was shaking then Sadie looked up at me and said "you alright?" I didn't answer and I ran to Steven before he left.

I gave him a big hug "uh Lars..." he turned his head around "Don't go..."
I sat on the floor, seeing Steven leave the stupid donut shop "hey, what's up with you today?" Sadie asked "...please don't tell anyone..."

"About what?" My face started to burn "...about steven" Sadie looked at me "yeah? What about him?" My face gets darker and darker "I like him..." She gasped "What!? Really!?" I nodded and she gave me a pat on the back "so you're gay?"

Sadie screamed "yes! Now go and kiss him!" I looked at her with my eyes widen "What!? Are you nuts!?" Now, my whole face is covered with red and yes I do look like a tomato. "I can see you're blushing~" I covered my face with my shirt "so...does Steven like you too?" She asked

"I don't know....I mean he hugged me but it was a best friend hug" I said kinda down. I uncovered my face and my face is starting to calm down "what about you go and tell him how you feel!" She helped me to get up. I grabbed her hand and got up "you just gotta be tuff you know"

"Yeah I guess you're right..." Sadie smiles "that's the spirit! Now go and tell him!" She pushed me out of the shop and she closed the door. I started to shake "what am I going to do!?" I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. I tried looking for him and I did

He was sitting on the grass with a girl. I kinda growl at that cuz I have feelings for him. So, I walked up to him and I nervously said "h-hi..." He looked up and waved at me "oh hey Lars! I'm just sitting here with Connie." Connie huh? I hope she's not his girlfriend.

I started to sweat like crazy "s-so uh...wanna hang out?" Shit! I didn't mean to say that!

    Steven's POV
I never heard him ask that but I excitedly said "Okay!" I gave him a quick hug "Yeah Yeah, totally!" He ran off "what's his deal?" Connie said
"What? You jealous of me hanging out with him? And besides we broke up like 4 months ago"

Connie looked down at the ground "Yeah I know but...I've been hiding this for a while but..." I'm scared what she's gonna say "I wanna be together boyfriend and girlfriend.." I stood up "oh hell no! After what you did!? You cheated on me with some other guy!"

I was started to get angry "I'm gonna hang out with Lars all I want and you cannot stop me!" I walked off, stomping my feet and walked to Lars house. I knocked real loud and I heard him say "alright, I'm coming!" He opened the door. My eyes were watering and I gave him a big hug

"Uh...Steven..?" I let go of the hug and I wiped my tears away " and Connie had an argue" Lars looked at me and said "that sucks...well come on in!" I went inside his house. His house is kinda nice.

"Well make yourself at home I guess" he said kinda down "hey you okay?" I ask him "oh...It's nothing!" Lars said "please tell me what's wrong!!" I started to whine "ugh! Fine" I cheered "yay!"
"Okay so I have feelings for someone..."
"Like who? Is it Sadie!?"
"No...we broke up like 8 weeks ago"

Lars sighed "look you won't understand..." I gave him a hug "yes I will now tell me!"

Lars POV
I looked at him. He's so cuuute! "Steven...there's something I always wanted to tell you..." he looked at me "What is it..?" My face started to heat up "I....I...I like you, Steven!" I gave him a rough kiss on the lips "Mmph!!??" My cheeks began to be red and he kissed back

After 3-5 minutes, we both broke the kiss "L-Lars...~" I gave him a smile "so you like me back?" Steven nodded "y-yep...the kiss...I never had a kiss that rough...with a boy" I giggled "oh Steven!" I gave him a big hug and he hugged back

Hey guys! Hope you like it! I'm not the best writer QwQ if you want more then comment OwO

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