『The Amphitheater』

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 "So the Rings work..." Momonga and Jack exclaimed the moment they appeared on the Sixth Floor, the Amphitheater, where the twin dark elves known as Aura and Mare were known to dwell.

"Jinx," Jack snickered slightly as he was feeling a bit better after leaving the Throne Room.

Momonga rolled his eyes and gave a light laugh of his own as the two of them made their way towards the barred entrance to the center of the arena fighting area. As they closed in on the entrance, it would slowly rise to allow them in and as they made their way in, it was clear they weren't alone.

The moment Jack stood in the center of the Arena, he heard a sudden shout.

"Huh!" Launching into the sky above, flipping in the air, it Aura dressed in her white suit vest and pants with a red scaled shirt. However it didn't seem like she was planning on landing on the ground.

"Oh no..." Jack's helmet reappeared on his head the moment he felt alarmed, just in time for Aura's feet to make contact with his breast plate and send him sliding on the ground like a fleshy surfboard.

Aura rode him a few feet before blinking a few times, staring down at him for a few moments. Her face was energetically smiling as always. With a hand behind her head, she'd giggle a bit awkwardly as she said his name, wondering why he was here. "Welcome, Ciphersyntax-sama...?" She blinked several more times before looking over at Momonga.

"Welcome Momonga-sama!" She'd call out to the man who was known as the Guild Master.

Stepping off of Jack, she would reach out with her hand to help him up. Pulling Jack just enough so that he could use the momentum to toss himself back onto his feet.

"Thanks Kiddo..." Jack placed a hand on the top of her head, ruffling her hair slightly before rearranging his own feathers.

"Welcome to the floor we Guard!" She smiled up at him, a hand crossing over her chest and resting on her shoulder. All whilst her other arm was folded behind her back.

Her two different colored eyes were definitely holding Jack's sight captive until the moment she turned away. Jack immediately shook his head as if she had held him in a daze for a moment.

"Thank you, Aura." Jack replied as he tipped his head to the side in acknowledgement.

"I will intrude for a short while," Momonga would inform, holding that golden staff with him still.

"What are you saying!?" Aura seemed to keep a smile across her lips, excited for their company. "You are the Lord of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, the both of you are!"

Jack couldn't help but beam at this, it reminded him of her creator, considering her personality algorithms and design were heavily based off of her.

"And you're its absolute Ruler, Momonga-sama!" Aura continued to speak praise and it got a small chuckle out of Jack again. He wasn't much of a people person most of the time, at least when it came to people who talked a lot. "There is no one who would ever consider you intruding!"

"You heard her, you can go into any domain without intruding." Jack said as he crossed his arms now, rotating one of his wings in its socket. He wasn't used to being able to feel any damage, let alone his extra-limbs.

Thankfully since he was wearing divine armor, he wasn't damaged all that badly. Only a couple hit points, but that quickly regenerated itself within a few minutes.

Momonga shook his head and looked over towards Jack.

Jack who was still looking at him, could only imagine the grin that Momonga could've been possibly wearing. He was curious, would Momonga remain an Overlord if he actually took responsibility for what he had done to Albedo's programming? Or would he change his race to something more... Fleshy?

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