Chapter 28 Finding Makini's Staff

Start from the beginning

"Who said that? Who says I live here?" The Mongoose asked, Kion walked to face the Mongoose. "Mr. Gibbon sent us, We're looking for a missing staff" Kion explained. The Mongoose crossed his arms, "Not me can't help ya, I know a guy who might A...A Civet he'll talk to you" The Mongoose suggested.

Anga landed, "The Mongoose sent me" Anga explained, The Civet got up and yelled, "Not you again!" The Civet said scared

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Anga landed, "The Mongoose sent me" Anga explained, The Civet got up and yelled, "Not you again!" The Civet said scared. The Lion Guard was around him, "It's ok, we just want to talk to you about a lost, uh, stick" Y/N reassured and told the Civet.  "Lost stick...hmmm," The Civet thought to look around.  "I know a guy, talk to the mouse deer" The Civet explained. "A mouse?" Ono questioned, "Why did you call me a deer?" Bunga asked confused. "No, a mouse deer, he's the guy you should talk to" The Civet explained and suggested.

The Lion Guard listened and continued to look for this mouse deer, "Is anyone else finding this odd" Y/N asked. "Yeah Y/N is right, first, everyone is scared of a plant and now we're going to find a mouse deer" Fuli recalled.  The Lion Guard stopped as they heard a voice, "You need answers? I got answers" Someone asked and explained.

  The Lion Guard stopped as they heard a voice, "You need answers? I got answers" Someone asked and explained

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"Oh! I get it now a mouse deer" Bunga pointed out, "It's not polite to point...the guy you need to talk to about the stick lives in the cave right over there" The Mouse deer told Bunga and explained where to go now pointing to the cave. As they enter the cave their eyes widened, "YOU!" The Lion Guard called surprised.  Kion looked at Mr. Gibbon, "Why didnt you just talk to us before?" Kion asked.  "Cause we need to talk somewhere her Porcupines aren't listening... I don't want her to know I'm helping you" Mr. Gibbon revealed.

"Her? Her who?" Makini questioned, "Mama Binturong" Mr. Gibbon answered nervous saying that name. "Mama been there what?" Bunga asked confused. "Mama Binturong, she controls all the... Tuliza... in this forest" Mr. Gibbon explained and whispered.  "So that's why everyone's scared when we mention Tuliza" Ono advised hearing Mr. Gibbon. "Yes everyone here is scared of Mama Binturong, She's so mean, nobody even wants to say Tuliza in case it makes her mad, she's very mean when she is mad, and when she finds out someone has Tuliza she sends her Porcupines after them" Mr.Gibbon told the Lion Guard scared and nervous.

"That explains the Porcupine tracks," Fuli said, "And why they took my staff, there was still Tuliza in the gourd," Makini added. Y/N looked at Mr.Gibbon, "So how do we find this Mama Binturong?" Y/N asked. "Her hideout is deep in the Stone Forest, but you'll never reach it" Mr. Gibbon answered. "Why's that?" Kion asked, "The stone forest is almost impossible to get through only Mama and her Porcupines can make it through safely" Mr. Gibbon explained. "We're the Lion Guard we can do anything" Fuli scoffed not believing Mr. Gibbon.

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