Chapter 1: The Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Watch it punk!"

"Apologies sir!" I said after I dump into a couple, accidentally separating them. Whether he can sense my sincerity is up to him, I am in a hurry here.

Third Person's POV

"Kids these days... " the guy click his tongue in annoyance as he stared at the back of the running man who dumps him and his pregnant wife earlier.

"Are you okay honey?" He ask in a worried manner if ever the guy accidentally dumps his wife's stomach that might cause discomfort on both the mother and baby. But his worried look turns to a look of displeasure after hearing what his wife suddenly blurted out.

"So handsome... "


Meanwhile, (F/N) was still busy chasing for the some thieves.

"Hey! Wait! That's my stuffs!" She shouts at one of them who has her bag. She reach ouf for his clothes but the young lad knew what was coming for him so he quickly throw the bag into the air and lands on his companion's grasp. (F/N) successfully caught the culprit, but her bag was on the other kid now.

"Nice catch Elios!" The boy who got the bag gave out a thumps up while running away from the two.

"That's because I have a good catcher Nick!"

'These kids...' She grasp for air. She let go of the boy and ran after the other one.

"Don't let him catch you Elios!"

"Don't worry brother!"

If there weren't so many people on the road, (F/N) might've catch the young culprit by now. Judging by their actions, (F/N) calculated that the two kids were skilled in this field of thievery. It also looks like that the two weren't alone in doing illegal mischief in this town.

"Where's that drunk officer whenever people badly needs him the most?!"

She saw the boy suddenly took a turn to the left. Following suit, she stumble upon a few people first before taking a left but was quickly met with an empty alley.

Without a second thought, she jump up in the air and maneuver herself on top of ome of the rooftop, almost tumbling after she lands. "My qingqong* isn't perfect yet tsk." After balancing myself at this rickety old roof, I then focus on my main objective.

From up here I can hear the laughter and rushing footsteps of who I presume are those pesky brats who took my stuffs. I kept moving and jumping from one roof to another, until I have concluded that most of them are heading towards one direction, they're going west!

As I move closer to their spot, I almost slip and stumble upon these old platforms. Those kids will be further from my sight if I tried to run here. It's not safe on this rooftop anyway so I tried to carefully maneuver myself down using the walls of these houses.

Fortunately I saw the culprit, running with his fellow thieves but unfortunately I think my knees are about to give up from that running. Tell you what, I don't have that much endurance and especially speed to keep this up.

"H-hey!" I yelled while panting for dear air. This had caught the attention of the child holding my bag, and do you know what he did next? That damn brat decided to make stupid faces and blow raspberries at me.

"Grrr! 💢 If I get my hands on you brats... " I said, who cares about my knees, I need to teach that brat a lesson first. The children flinch and then one of them said "This old man is scary! RUNNNN!!!" And just like that they run off, leaving me coughing because of the dust they cause after running so fast.

Androgynous Royal [Ninjago x Reader] ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now