They must probably think I was trying to worship their stupid feet ohhhhhhhhhhh how wrong they were going to be.

I stared at Isabella and I motioned my hands to them.

"Introduce me."

Samantha was watching with curiosity and I gave her a small smile and she returned it with ease,she kept staring at Isabella with curiosity.

Isabella pointed at a cute boy,he looked to be around my age,his light brown hair was gelled to the side as his dark green eyes stared on in a quiet questioning way.

"Liam."I gave a stiff nod no use in making them think I was friendly.

She gestured to one currently sipping on a Dr pepper"Ian."

He looked like he would rather be any where else,his dirty blonde hair was ruffled in large curls and his bright blue eyes reminded Holly of Aubrey and her gaze softened a little.

"Who the fuck are you?."A deep baritone voice sneered at Holly;whose gaze moved to him,she pointed to him and asked Isabella.

"And this prick?"

"That's Victor."Isa whispered,she was starting to feel antsy they made her feel uncomfortable.

I didn't need Isabella to guess the owner of the dark brown eyes,his sharp jaw was so strong it looked like it would snapped any minute,he was glaring at me like I was a spawn of the devil.
   His dark brown hair was rough around the edges,his dark pink lips pulled together in a growl.


I felt heat rushed through me but I'll be damned if I let it get to me,I ignore the little flutters in my stomach as I tore my gaze to my target.

"You must be Ethan."I said in amusement, Isabella looked beyond frightened right now and I squeezed her hand,I had a lot to teach her.

Ethan stared at me with a little smirk on his face as he raked his eyes from the top of my body to the end and I felt immerse disgust for him.

No doubt the Devils were possibly the most handsome boys....sorry men I have ever seen in my life,my case kept moving from their face one by one and I made my move.

I delivered a perfect uppercut even John Cena would have requested personally for me to join WWE.

Ethan held his nose while the rest of the Devils stood up,they all turned out to be taller than my five foot three bothering over six foot.

"That's for Cordelia."
I uttered in the peace and quiet of the night and I wasn't the only one who saw the look of realisation cross over Ethan's face,the others boys including Samantha started questioning him and I watched in satisfaction as he confesses to his crimes.

"It seems we are not needed over here again Isabella."I said and they all stared at Isabella in shock like they had just recgonized her.

"I-isabella."Samantha muttered and the boys eyes widened,I stepped at the front of Isabella;momma bear mode activated.

"Come on Isa let's get out of here."

Isabella grabbed my hand tight and we made our way to karaoke but not before I shouted.

"See you Samantha,put ice on that Ethan and I'll come for you!!!"


I was currently with Aubrey who wouldn't stop talking about a new friend she made,I was so happy she loved it here though, Isabella next to me was sipping on the strawberry punch while humming to the song being sang by a dark haired girl on the karaoke stage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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