Chapter 1: A Painful Awakening

Start from the beginning

"You really hate me that much?" Toriel asked, horrified at what her child had just done. She helped them through the Ruins, protected them, thought of them as their child. And they had killed her. She looked at their expression, not seeing a trace of remorse or guilt on their face. As her body dissolved, she reflected on her life; all the failures and mistakes that she made. She hoped that this child would want to stay, and that hope blinded her to what they had done to the Ruins, voiding it of life. The foolish mother faded to dust, the world around her collapsing to nothing.

Gasping, the former Queen of the Monsters woke up in a cold sweat, slowly calming herself down as she realised where she was. She checked her bedside alarm clock. It read 1:27 A:M. Moving out of bed, she put on her purple fuzzy bedside slippers. They were a gift from Sans on her birthday, before he pulled out a beautiful dress from his small jacket. She never understood how he could do that, but the slippers were very comfortable and her favourite colour and the dress was a beautiful purple with the Deltarune symbol on it, similar to her old one but younger and more vibrant. Knowing that she wouldn't be going back to sleep, she decided to go downstairs to make herself a cup of tea.
A light caught her eye, and she noticed that it was coming from the kitchen. Making her way down the stairs, she was surprised to see Asgore pouring water into a kettle. Hearing something, he turned around to see Toriel looking at him.
"Oh! Howdy Toriel. What wakes you up at this late hour?" He asked in his normal, kind voice.
"I could ask you the same Asgore." She replied, a little ice entering her voice. She had still not forgiven him completely, unable to bring herself to.
"It was strange. I had a nightmare, but I can't seem to remember it. I woke up from it, tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't, so I decided to come downstairs and make myself some tea. Would you like some?"

"W-Why?" Asgore asked, his expression and voice full of pain as he looked at the child that had stabbed him, catching him completely off-guard. He looked at them in pain, seeing their expressionless unreadable face, before pellets surrounded him, eradicating his physical body to dust and leaving his soul. All of his regrets and guilt came crashing down on his soul, before his soul shattered into a million pieces, with his world disappearing around him.

Toriel was shocked. What were the chances of someone else also having a nightmare and then not being able to remember it? Putting it off as a mere co-incidence did not do JUSTICE to it, but there were no other options. Sighing, she accepted the offer of a cup of tea, and sat down on one of the ivory arm chairs while Asgore boiled the water in the kettle and prepared the tea.

"I still believe in you. Even if you don't. I-I promise" the head of The Great Papyrus spoke to the human in front of them, the figure who attacked them despite an amazing, uplifting speech from The Great Papyrus himself. But that was okay. The human was probably just scared, and was regretting hurting him, even though they didn't show it. Somewhere, deep in his soul, he knew that they were capable of changing, even if they didn't know it. Smiling, he allowed himself to fall apart, as his world became darker, yet darker.

His eye sockets snapping open, Papyrus jumped out of his race-car bed and felt his head. Detaching it, he looked around at his body. It looked okay. He stopped. Why was he examining himself? As great as he looked, that didn't seem like the answer. He decided not to worry about it. Everything seemed to be fine, so there was no cause for worry. His room was lit up by his 'COOL DUDE' light, so he could see the entire room perfectly fine. Reattaching his head, he decided to go make sure that the others were fine, because that was the right thing to do. Opening his door, he noticed a light downstairs, and decided to go check it out.
Hearing someone coming down, Toriel turned her head to see the newcomer. To her surprise, Papyrus bounded down the stairs quietly with his usual amazing grace and agility.

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