Out on the open road

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(Your POV)

It's been about an hour since we left, and I haven't looked anywhere else except out my window. My neck started to cramp, so I turned my head to see how Max is doing. He looks very depressed. "Day One: Well, here we are, out on the open road! Retracing the steps of my boyhood," I see Goofy with a video camera filming in front of him, "In the back we have our good ole' buddy _____!" I awkwardly wave to the camera smiling, "And here's Maxie! Say, "Hi", Max!"

Max turned to the camera with his face resting in his hand. He quickly turned back to the window, paying his father no attention. "Well, how about a wave?" Goofy asks, as Max puts his hand in front of the lens, "Not now, dad." Goofy retracts the camera, "What a kidder!" He says putting the camera down.

Something must've happened with Roxanne, I examine his face expression. Did he cancel their date? I suddenly got excited that he did, but mentally slapped myself for think that. He would never do that, Max isn't that type of guy. I look at him again to see him still brutally upset, he must've screwed up big time.

"Hey, Maxie! Let's play a game. You think of a name, and I'll try and guess who it is. Uh, man or woman?" Goofy asked max, "uh, man..." Max said. Goofy mumbles to himself thinking of an answer, "Let's see-" "Walt Disney!" I chime into the game. "Right," Max said, showing no interest whatsoever.

"Aw man! I was gonna guess that! Guess ya beat me too it," Goofy looks at me while I jokingly stick my tongue out to him smiling. "Now, I'll think of one," he puts his hand to his chin, but gets cut off by loud rock music. Max had turned on the radio, and started to air guitar to the song.

This music is so loud, I cover my ears from the heavy guitar solo. "Oh, you want to sing a song, huh?" I hear goofy say through the loud music, "Me and my dad used to sing this one all the time!" He grabs a blue 8-track tape, puts it in the radio, and plays it. 'High Hopes..!' "He's got! high hopes," Goofy starts to sings along.

Jesus Christ.

This music is annoying, I press my hands against my ears a little harder. I see max wasn't enjoying it either as he changes it back to rock music. Goofy changes it back to High Hopes. Max changes it back to rock. It continued to go back and forth until I couldn't handle it anymore, "Enough!!" I yell covering my ears.

They didn't listen, and they ended up braking the radio, "Oh, great, Dad! Now we don't have any music!" Max blames his dad, 'it was your fault too' I glare at him. "Oh, Maxie, it's not so bad. We'll just have to entertain ourselves!" Goofy said. "I think I prefer the silence," I slump down into my seat, arms crossed. The silence didn't last long, as Goofy started to whistle. Max wasn't having any of it, and to be honest neither was I.

"Do you need a break from modern living? Do you long to shed your weary load?"

Here we go again

"If your nerves are raw and your brain is fried,"

Goofy grabbed Max's arm, and messed his hair up

"Just grab a friend and take a ride
Together upon the open road!"

Max at this point was in a chokehold by his father, as we swerved from left to right. "C'mon, Maxie!" Goofy said as Max gets out of his grasp,

"All in all I'd rather have detention!"

"Me too..." I frown

Conflicted Feelings (Max Goof x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें