Deep sludge

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(Max's POV)

"Dad, I gotta stop somewhere first! I-I have to talk to someone!" I say, "Well-" I see Roxannes street, and quickly grab the steering wheel, causing the car to swerve down the street. The Car rushes down the street, knocking over a few things, the car come to a sudden stop in front of Roxanne's house.

I could've just died!! "Now, make it quick, Maxie boy. We gotta put some road behind us!" My father says, I glare at him, and quickly get out of the car. I Rub my head in frustration, as I walk up the path, "You get to cancel your first date in less than an hour!"

I walk up Roxanne's porch, and ring the doorbell, "Must be some kind of lame-o record!" I say to myself, as the door opens. I look to the door to see a rather tall mean looking person. Definitely not Roxanne. "Hi! Is Roxanne home?" I ask the tall, scary, very, very, very, threatening man.

I receive a deep growl in response. "Oh, My name is Max," I reach my hand out trying to be polite, but receiving another a low deep. I kinda got the hint that I've got the wrong house, "Does Roxanne live here? Does she even live on this block?" I ask while backing away. "Wait! It's okay, Daddy. Max is a friend from school," I hear Roxanne say.

Roxanne's father lovingly pats her on the head, then growls at me. Again. He turns around, and goes back inside. "Go on. Go on. Good Daddy. Hey, Max." She greets me, I wave to her while I mumble over my words. "You wanna, uh, have a seat?" She awkwardly gestures after she gets her finger unstuck from her hair.

I got lost in her eyes, but then quickly snap out of it, I go over to help Roxanne to sit on her porch railing. Roxanne's father, peeking through the mail slot growls at us. "Daddy!" I put my hands behind my back and I grin nervously. The mail slot quickly closes. "I promise he'll be better behaved when you pick me up for the party,"  She says leaning into me.

"Yeah, that's, uh, sorta why I came by," I lifted myself up on the railing next to her. "I'm really looking forward to it, Max." I rub the back of my neck, "Yeah, I was, too." "Was?" Roxanne repeated my word in a depressed tone.

"Well, you see my dad's on this stupid Father/son kick, and..." I tried explaining, "Oh, don't worry about it, Max. It's just a dumb party." "No, it's not! Roxanne, I really wanted to go with you. I..." "No, Max, I understand. Really, sometimes these things happen..." "My dad surprised me, I don't even want to go, but I have no choice." "I'm sure I can find someone else." This stoped my train of thought, "Someone else?" I said in the same depressed tone.

"I'll just talk to you later," she walks over to her door. No! S-she can't go with someone else! It'll ruin my chances with her! "Um, uh, Roxanne," I have to think of an excuse quickly, "uh, my dad is, uh," she'll never believe me if I don't "My dad's taking me to the Powerline concert in L.A.!!" I quickly say, regretting it instantly.

"Your dad is taking you clear across the country just to see a concert?" She asks not fully believing me. "Well, uh, you see, my dad, uh, knew .. knows! Knows Powerline! They used to play together! In a band! Yeah!" I say as my dad beeps the car horn, "Come on, son! Let's get this show on the road!" He yells from the car.

"Just a minute, you ... party ... animal, ... you," I point at him trying to sound convincing to Roxanne. "Is that _____?" She points to _____ sulking in the back of the car. 'I totally forgot about her!' I panic trying to think of another excuse, " she's l-like Powerline's biggest fan! Yeah! So my dad thought it be nice to invite her. Of course! I had no idea," I explain.

"You're really serious?" She smiles at me, somehow believe me. "Absolutely! So uh, you aren't still thinking of going with someone else, are you?" I asked her, timidly looking to the side. "Well, I guess..." "Because! I was hoping I could, uh, wave to you on stage when we join Powerline for the final number!" I couldn't stop myself by adding more to seem very convincing.

"This is incredible," she places her hand on my chest, "Well, I wouldn't miss our date for anything that wasn't incredible, Roxanne." I held her hand in mine, as I look at her. Roxanne then kissed me on the cheek.

She kissed me! Roxanne kissed me! I staggered down the stairs, and shyly wave to her. "Have a great time at the concert, Max," She waved back at me from her porch, as I stumble back to the car. "I'll see you on TV!" She yells, reality hitting me like a truck, "I'm in deep sludge," I whisper to myself, as I get back into the car.

I look behind me to see _____ starring at me, she then roll her eyes, and looks out her window. I glare at her, 'what's her problem' I think to myself . I turn my head back to the front, as my dad starts the car. We start to drive away, and I look back out my window to see Roxanne wave goodbye.

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