Such a spazz

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(Your POV)

Being late was something I always did, but I usually made it on time. Today was a day I couldn't be late, not for something so important to him. If it weren't for him I wouldn't make it such a big deal to make it on time for the last day of school. I'm currently running to school, while cursing my self for ignoring my alarm.

Holding close to my chest was the outfit I had stitched for my best friend. Max Goof, the boy I also have a crush on, who is trying to impress his crush. Roxanne, she was effortlessly pretty, popular, and super nice. I can't blame Max for crushing over her, but I kinda do since I've been there for him since elementary.

As these doubts fill my head, I turned the corner and collided with someone. I fell backwards with them landing on me. I look to who fell on me, and it was Max. My entire face flushed with red, as I noticed the position we were in. When Max noticed he slightly blushed, and quickly got to his feet, bringing me with him.

"Hey sorry _____, I just totally completely choked in front of Roxanne, and ran as fast as I could to get away" he apologizes. "'s okay, I was running late and wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I awkwardly smile. "Haha yeah, you've always been kind of an airhead," he punches my arm. I rubbed my arm, and smirked back at him. "Well you've always been kind of a goof," I shoved him back, running towards the school. I heard a distant 'hey!' As I laughed, subtly blushing.

~time skip~

The bell rings again, and I'm walking next to Max as he continues to talk about his morning incident. We walk towards P.J.'s locker, as Max slams his back on the locker next to his. "...I'm such a big spazz" he grumbles. "Maybe just a little bit," I say to tease him. He looks at me angrily smiling, knowing I was teasing him.

"Where have you been guys?" P.J. looks up at us with a worried tone. "Sorry peej we kinda ran into each other," Max starts off, "literally" I chuckle. "Did you get the camera?" P.J. pulled out a really expensive camera that he probably took from his dad. "Look man if my dad catches me with this he'll kill me! Are you sure we gotta do this?" P.J. asks, hoping for a way out of this.

"It's my only chance peej! To Roxanne I'm just a nobody," He flicks a lock that was attached to a locker. This made me a little bit upset since to me he was my whole world. I sadly look to the side, still clutching the handmade Powerline outfit. "But after today-" a bright light turns on blinding all of us, we put our hands up to block the light.

"Bobby," Max exclaims, we all make our way to the bright TV set up bobby had. Max bends down to check it out, "all of this is for us?" He asks in awe. Bobby smacks his lips from drinking from the water fountain with a straw. "Mmm Slurpech," He turns to us while max grabs the set up. "Aw this is going to be so great man!" Max says to P.J. and me.

Bobby grabs the set pulling it back as he leans on it, "dude need fundage bro," he rubbed his finger and thumb together. "Your fee yeah yeah! right here," Max takes off his backpack, and hands bobby a paper bag. Bobby takes the bag and takes out...a can of cheese whiz? Bobby being to excited about a can of cheese whiz sprays a heavy amount into his mouth.

Causing the three of us to be grossed out at his actions. Bobby then coughed, causing some of the cheese whiz to land on all of us. Getting on all of our clothes,pants, and Max's face, luckily not the Powerline outfit. I take a Kleenex from my bag and carefully wipe Max's face.

He grabs my hand, and flings it away while looking away slightly blushing. I probably embarrassed him, I'm such an idiot. I shyly look to the side, as bobby came behind all of us. Wrapping his arms around the three of us, "let's do it ladies, and _____." I roll my eyes at his comment, but smile at my weird group of friends.

Conflicted Feelings (Max Goof x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now