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Me: OK I was just lying but I will explain this is not bloopers I'm gonna say why I am not updating how can I say this............ I am so sorry this book slow updates I have my few reasons It's because I'm doing exams for high school or doing my homework or's I'm on a swim team

Karma: or if she's just lazy to do anything for chapter 3

Me: shut up Karma!!!! And it's not true and I think my parents are going to take away my phone it's probably because I'm failing algebra and I haven't seen my report card my grades for it so I think this will go on slow updates from now on and if my phone gets taken away is because tomorrow is my report card so I haven't really checked on my grades, wish me well

Nagisa: aw man I really want to start chapter 3 but she is lazy to watch the movie and that's why she hasn't get started on it And what she said earlier that she's doing homework and exams quiz and swim team

Me: OK it is true that I am too lazy to watch the movie again but it takes a lot of time so if you please please be patient with me I know I did this a lot but please understand I am taking my time and I'm trying not to be lazy if not then at this book will be discontinued and I am very sorry for it i'm really such a bad author

Karma: *Smirk* Let's hope that she's not going to get her phone taken away and tomorrow's she will do it Chapter 3 but not going to publish she will work on it

Me: -_- I hate you karma but I agree with it that's not help that my phone is taken away because I'm gonna be bored out of my mind the whole days weeks or months is either going to be those let's hope my grades will be A and B and one C I can't get any F or D so please wish me well

Nagisa: so are you gonna do when it does bloopers because is something you had to come up

Me: Really want me to do bloopers fine I would do it but the Readers have to vote if they want bloopers because I have so much on my plate

Karma: yeah right! You're watching anime! You're watching Boruto again you are lazy right now but can you just write it

Nagisa: I agree with karma or are you just because you are lazy and you just reading fanfiction of Karma and me

Me: really T_T I wish you can you stop picking on me please I am trying my best to do it that is true I am lazy I will try my best one to update but let's hope I can write it tomorrow and not get my phone taken away and get good grades that's one of my goals right now but I hope you understand though and I will make up for it by posting these

Me: really T_T I wish you can you stop picking on me please I am trying my best to do it that is true I am lazy I will try my best one to update but let's hope I can write it tomorrow and not get my phone taken away and get good grades that's one ...

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