Chapter 54 Red Hands

Start from the beginning

One of the rocks scraped against the others at the entrance. Mischa hushed up immediately. Alex extended an extra blade to Peyton, but he refused it. He intended to use the subduing techniques that Mr. M had trained him with. They wouldn't kill the men but allow them to be taken out, especially with Amelia wanting an offensive position. He'd prove that less lethal techniques were just as valid.

Light flowed through the section where the rock had been removed. Alex and Peyton stood along the circular interior entrance to the smaller cave. It was on the same side as the rock wall and avoided having the light reveal their position.

"Hello?" A voice echoed and the shadow of a man appeared in ray of light.

"Why are you calling it out? Someone will hear you."

"I know. I'm more worried about finding bears and mountain lions than people in here."

Peyton held his breath and waited for the men to place the rock back and continue their search. Good karma had to factor into his fate. The light grew brighter as another rock was removed, then another.

"Get ready," Alex whispered in his ear.

The outsiders stepped inside the cave and their heads moved from side to side. Alex would attack right away given his stance and outstretched knife, unprovoked, despite Peyton's desire to only attack once his safety was compromised. Right now they had the advantage of the men's vision impaired by the dark.  

Alex lunged forward, low to the ground, and sent the knife into the intruder's calf. The injured man howled and grabbed his leg. He lowered himself to the ground. He made no move for a weapon, only held up his uninjured foot up to keep Alex away.

The breath was forced out of Peyton's lungs as the second intruder collided with him. Arms wrapped around Peyton's neck. His wind pipe tightened and his eyes began to water. He pushed forward until he knew there was enough space behind him and flipped the man over. The intruder's body slapped hard down onto the rock, much more audibly than when practising with Mr. M and Cynthia. Peyton let out a few breaths as he regained his footing and the use of his lungs. He couldn't detect any movement from his peripherals. The technique must have worked.

"Were there only two?"

"Yeah," Alex muttered as he took away the groaning man's radio and secured his hands. "Where are your weapons?"

"We're not guards, we're just doing patrols to look for escapees."

Peyton's breaths continued to slow. "Do you have anything else to tie his hands up?"

Alex looked from the man who hadn't yet moved to Peyton. "Don't think you'll be needing that." His eyes rested on the other intruder.

Peyton glanced back down at his assailant. A growing pool of dark oozed liquid from the man's skull. Peyton's skin went cold and his stomach churned. He tore the shirt off his back and held it to the other man's head wound. Small pieces of rock were embedded in the broken skin. The most important part was to cover up that wound. He held his t-shirt against the injury and applied strong pressure.

"I need you to stay awake. Keep breathing. Keep those eyes open." He kept muttering reassuring phrases and apologizing to the man on the ground. The blood continued to flow onto his hands and drip from his wrists as he pressed even harder. People had gallons of blood flowing, the damage could still be mitigated.

"Peyton." Amelia placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Help me sit him up. I forgot we need to elevate the wound."

Amelia didn't budge. "Peyton, we need to go, now."

"We can't leave him here like this. He'll bleed out. He's an innocent man, Amelia." His eyes searched hers and his hands trembled.

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