Chapter 12 - Doubts

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Amy's POV

How am I going to save my mother and father....not to mention the rest of my subjects and family

I was sitting in the drawing room within my dreams to think on the situation at hand. I leaned back in my chair to see the stars outside. This world is a special one Evamy and Alex created for me. I can come and go whenever I want solitude to think without the real world getting in my way.

"Amy? How are you holding up?" Alex asked when he came to check in on me.

"I'm just scared I won't be able to save my family and my people. I'm the reason he was able to get inside the Mystic Isles to begin with. Am I still deserving of the crown then?.." I replied

"Of course you are. It wasn't your fault he got in. He's the one who corrupted your powers without us noticing the damage. Don't be so hard on yourself princess. Maybe talk to Sebastian about all this - you always did turn to him for help in situations like this" Alex explained then I smiled weakly at him

"Thanks Alex. I best wake up then but I'll see you around buddy" I said

"Likewise your highness. And should you ever need of us, you know where to find Evamy, Lexi and I" Alex added then bowed out and left. I just looked out the window one last time before waking up in the real world.

I sat up in bed then got up and dressed

I heard a knock at my cabin door after I got my hair tied back into a ponytail

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I heard a knock at my cabin door after I got my hair tied back into a ponytail

"Enter" I responded

It was Rachel!

"I see you're awake again dear. How do you feel?" Rachel asked then she sat on the bed

"Physically - fine. Mentally and Emotionally? far from fine. I'm not sure if I'm still worthy to rule the Mystic Isles..." I replied

"I know you'll be a great leader dear. There's a ball on tonight that all of us plan to attend. Why don't you and Fenrir join us - it would do you some good to have a little bit of fun" Rachel stated.

"I'll think on it. Right now I can't focus on anything because my mind wanders back to watching my mother be a victim of constant assault at the hands of the very monster I let into our home. Some guardian and leader I am..." I explained

" need to forgive yourself. You never let Grimm Hell-Storm into your kingdom. He forced his own way in. Everyone is worried about you - especially Fenrir. He can sense you're in a lot of pain in some form but can't help if he doesn't know" Rachel told me as she held me close.

I need to start acting like the guardian I'm meant to be for my people

Rachel kissed my forehead then led me out of the room.

I went outside and sat by the front of the ship to feel the breeze. It's only been 1 week since we boarded and yet so much has happened

(A/N: OK before someone asks as I know it'll come up - yes I fucked up timings of things so ignore timeline issues lol)

"How do you feel this morning Amy? Things have changed in you since seeing everyone again...I may only be a butler and a demon but I worry for you as much as the young master and the others" Sebastian said to me when he came up to see me.

"I just want this never ending nightmare to leave me alone. Why can't I be a normal girl like Lizzy? Why must I be tormented by the demons of my past?" I asked as we walked back to the drawing room.

I stopped in my tracks then looked out to the water and remembered why I fight.

I am the mystic heir. I fight for my people and for my friends here in the real world.

I honed in on my powers then realised why my doubts are flooding me.

I'm allowing my past to haunt me.


I made my wings unfurl and took to the sky - feeling the wind in my hair and fur

"So you finally cast aside the shadows of doubt lingering around you my love?" I heard a voice ask.

I turn around and it was Fenrir.

"You saw the black clouds around me then?" I replied when I landed again

"Aye. I could tell your clouds were of your own making but didn't want to step in as it's something you needed to face on your own. Listen you might be the Mystic Heir and therefore the protector of our realm but for god sake Amy you have people around you that are there for you. Me especially silly" Fenrir explained and then our crimson fire heart appeared.

"It's been quite some time since we summoned this my love." Fenrir whispered in my ear and then we spent the afternoon together.


OK Apologies this story has kind of been on ice - I've had my hands full with When the Land meets the Sky as well as my new side gig of being a V-Tuber on Twitch (I'll put my info on a community post lol)

New ideas for Aquatic Adventures however so I shall be branching off from the movie after Ch 15 and then sort of twisting the story to my own alternative universe like I always wanted kind of :)

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