Chapter 9 - Aftermath of Heaven

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(just a heads up this is a flashback chapter showing what happened to Daybreak when she returned to purgatory after being attacked)

Daybreak's POV

Grimm vanished and as Sophia's mother was trying to heal me but I was still coughing up blood. It seems her healing powers aren't working...then suddenly we heard something almost like an explosion


"Am...y? AMY?!" I shouted in between bursts of pain. I tried to run to her when I saw her lying on the ground wounded.

"Daybreak you must stay still. Lest" Fenrir said to me but even he was in pain. However the healing magics from the other angels here was working on him...I guess because I'm born in the underworld, heavenly magics doesn't work on me.

If you're wondering will I die of blood loss - no. I won't. I'm thankful my immortality has THAT perk.

"You should return to Purgatory Princess Daybreak. You'll be able to be treated for your injuries there as it seems our magic is not working..." Gabriel told me to which I smiled weakly

"He's right....DB....go...." Amy said as she began to stir in the arms of Gabriel

"How are you....awake? The extent of your injuries...." I asked then I blew the purgatory whistle I wear around my neck.

Blue and purple flames rose and when they died down in front of me stood Cerberus. Guardian dog of the underworld. Gabriel helped me onto Cerberus' back then I saw him hold my friends.

"Rest easy my lady. We'll ensure these two return to the mortal world safe" Gabriel said then Cerberus brought me home.

I coughed up more blood after getting off his back but was rendered to my hands and knees then heard someone running towards me or rather a lot of people running towards me

"MOMMY! What happened to you?!" Lucifer asked me in panic but I was in too much pain now to talk.

It was at that moment I looked up then my vision began to blur until I blacked out.

~~~sometime later~~~

I can hear the beeping of the life support machines we have in our palace infirmary as I slowly began to come to.

I opened my eyes and recognised the room then saw my dad sleeping next to me with mom. I decided to move my hand and place it on top of my dad's as he was holding mine. Probably in a bid to see when I woke up.

"Morning Daybreak" Scythe said to me as she leaned against the door frame.

"Hey long have I been out?" I asked. Surprisingly I have strength again.

"About two days at most. After you collapsed dad carried you here then the medical team got to work healing your wounds. I for one was not going to bother you about answers as to what happened so Shadow and I went to speak to Gabriel and he told me. I want that monster's head but for now I'm just glad you're feeling better. You lost a lot of blood. Immortality or no you still lost a lot" Scythe explained then I sat myself up and she adjusted the bed so I could lean back a bit still.

We looked to our sleeping parents afterwards.

"Mom and dad haven't left your side since you got here. I asked Amarus and Grim to watch Lucifer whilst Shadow and I were away and you were asleep. I know you love him and he loves you but I didn't want him to see his own mother in that bloodied state" Scythe added then our parents woke up.

"My sweet neko're awake again" dad said then gave me a hug. I just purred as he held me close.

"You gave us quite the fright when you collapsed after getting off Cerberus. He's been worried about you as well" Mom added then I was allowed to leave with strict orders to take it easy.

"What about Amy and Fenrir?! They got attacked as well but Amy took the blow of the attack from that vampire demon monster" I asked

"Gabriel honoured his word. They both got returned to the mortal world into the care of Ciel and Lizzy's family. They're doing fine as I went to check on them yesterday." Scythe told me then we sat down in the lounge room.

"Mom! You're OK!" Lucifer said with glee in his voice then he got up on the sofa next to me to give me a big hug.

"I love you Lucifer so even if I get brutally attacked know that I will always return to you, Shadow and the rest of the family" I told my son with a compassionate smile.

I noticed the blue fire of souls was acting weird..

"Hey pain and panic could you two go investigate the soul flame? It's acting weird around the souls of the Mystic Isles..." I asked the two imps

"Of course your highness" then they told me that the souls of Amy's mother and father were bound by a chain.

"Wait why are their souls bound in a chain? Something's not right" I said to myself but Scythe heard it.

"Chain bound souls indicate possession of a larger magnitude than a normal possession. Grimm must be using his miasma magic" She told me

"Damn it....well I'm going to go to the mortal world to check on them.." I stated

"Alright but return as soon as you've made sure Amy and Fenrir are alright. I don't want you away from the castle for long whilst you're still somewhat weakened" Mom told me

"Alright mom" I responded then left

I got to the cabin sitting room where the Midfords and Phantomhives were, then spotted Fenrir.

"Daybreak! You're OK!" Fenrir said to me with relief painted on his face

"As OK as I can be" I stated then Amy walked in

"Well you're a sight for relief. When I found out how severely injured you got, I was worried but I'm glad you're alright" "Well you're a sight for relief. When I found out how severely injured you got, I was worried but I'm glad you're alright" Daybreak said

"Yeah well my parents aren't" then I explained everything that happened in the astral world

"So he's after you because you're a phoenix but how has he not killed you before? Especially when Luxio had you beaten up badly?"

"Because of the protective charm Satan gave me back when I still had my Damascus arm. Even now he's told me I get to keep it that way should I ever need the help of any of the hell born folk, he'd be the one to come to my aide first after Amybrine and Midnight" Amy added

"In any case I should get back to the castle. Mom and Dad don't want me far from them for the time being. And Amy?"

"Yeah Daybreak?"

"Get some rest. You and Fenrir both need it." Then I returned to Purgatory to rest up some more.

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