Chapter 1 - Three years later

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Amy's POV

Well it's been a while since you last heard from me and the others. Well I'm 17 years old now and still the crown princess. And Fenrir also has now moved into my castle. Adam and Lyla are officially dating same to Edward and Lelani.

"Morning Amy" Fenrir said when he came into my bedroom. He does share a bed with me but what is he at now? Also I should mention it's my 18th birthday in like 5 days

"Hey Wolfy" I replied whilst rubbing my eye as I sat up

"So since it's your 18th birthday in a few days I decided to buy tickets for a two week long cruise. The ship will be making it's maiden voyage from London" Fenrir explained and two days later we were back in England to meet the boat.

"I should also mention there is another aspect to this present but you'll have to wait for it" Fenrir added then I whined.

We embarked on the ship then he brought us to our cabin which IS MASSIVE!

"OK ready for the next part? You'll need to close your eyes though" Fenrir asked

"Sure?" I replied then took his hand after he put a bandanna over my eyes

He led me somewhere? I felt a breeze so on the deck I believe?

"OK you ready Amy?"

"Yes" I replied then he removed the bandanna and I saw Ciel, Lizzy and their families

"Surprise! I wanted you to be able to spend your 18th with the people who took you in for a while." Fenrir explained then I hugged him tightly

"THANK YOU WOLFY!" I shouted to him in delight then ran to hug my demon friend. Sebastian lifted me up and swung me round like I was a feather! HOW STRONG IS HE?!

"It's great to see you again. My how you've grown in three years" Sebastian said to me

"Thanks. And you're still as strong as ever." I replied

"How have you all been anyways back in the mystic castle?" Lizzy asked when we sat in my cabin

"Busy what with a certain ceremony coming in Winter." Fenrir replied

"What ceremony?" Ciel asked

"Mine and Fenrir's wedding. A Winter Wedding to mark the start of the winter festival this year on the solstice." I explained to which Fenrir's right wing pulled me in but I moved those red and white feathers

Amybrine's POV

I was walking through the castle to check up on Flarian, Ruby and Alexia. Our family has changed as well in three years. Flarian is 7, Lucifer is 8 meanwhile I now have a 3 year old daughter named Ruby. Midnight and Ash welcomed their daughter Alexia or Lia as we call her, into the world about a year ago. But all four are practically inseparable from the rest of the shadow clan children.

I mean Flarian and Lucifer have shown interest in each other which I am proud of.

"Ah Good morning your highness" Jasper stated when I entered the throne room and admired the decor

"I see the decor for my parents' anniversary gala is coming along great. What about the guards. How are they faring lately?" I asked

"Ruby is doing drills with them as we speak Lady Amybrine. Everything will be perfect for the anniversary gala of our beloved King and Queen. On that you have my word as the knight commander of the hellbound horde." Jasper told me

"I don't doubt you for a second. Keep up the good work everyone!" I replied gleefully then left the castle to go and meet up with Khali who says she has someone she wants us to meet.

I flew until I reached the dragon castle and this is like the third time I've ever been here. The first being after we defeated Luxio and she invited the entire clan over.

"State your name and business please" the guard asked

"Crown Princess Amybrine Fire-Heart. Here by invitation of her Highness, Crown Princess Khaleesi" I replied

"AMYBRINE YOU MADE IT!" I heard a voice shout down. I look up and see the dragon herself

"It's alright Leon, let her in" she added

"Yes your highness!" then he let me pass and Khali came down and gave me a massive hug

"I'm so glad you came. Wait where's Blaze and your two pups?" she asked me

"Flarian is out with Lucifer and the purgatory gang right now whilst Blaze is with Midnight and Ash back in hell watching Alexia and Ruby. All of whom send their regards to you but who is it you want me to meet AND what's going on with your arms and neck?" I asked when I noticed the orange scales

"Hm? *notices the scales* of my scales, yeah these are just part of me. Usually I have them hidden but lately decided to just have them on show. Danny is the same now" Wait...


"Died?" a voice asked

"Hey D. This is Amybrine. Aamon Inferno's beloved Daughter and the wife of the angel wolf prince Blaze." Khali stated

Once Danny was standing beside his sister, it was then I noticed how they both look similar side by side

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Once Danny was standing beside his sister, it was then I noticed how they both look similar side by side.

They looked nearly identical despite Khali being two years older and a fire mage.

"So Prince Danny, how are you alive again?" I asked

"Oh Amybrine no need to be so formal to us. C'mon! Dad and our step-mother are waiting inside!" so I followed the two dragons inside the castle then I saw their father.

"There's my two beautiful dragons. *notices a devil* who is this my dears?" the king asked

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance your majesties. My name is Amybrine Morningstar Fire-Heart. Daughter of King Aamon and Queen Fierra Inferno of Hell and the reigning crown princess" I told them with a curtsy

"Ah the she-devil-demon herself. We've heard a lot about you from our dear fire dragon Khali. My name is Jonathan the dragon king and this is my wife Rochelle." Jonathan told me

"Rochelle isn't our biological mother hence the mild appearance differences but our love for her is more than we could ask for" Danny told me

"Yeah Khali told me about....her" I replied

"Mhm. But back to why we asked you here, we wanted to give you our decision on the alliance in person" Khaleesi started then her father stood up

"Indeed. The dragon kingdom will join the alliance you have with the other kingdoms here in the spirit realm" Jonathan told me

"That's wonderful to hear. And now I should get back to my castle, something tells me my husband may need help with our little demon wolf daughter" I said with a sweat smile

"Well I hope to see you again little demon. Take care and give the family our regards" Rochelle told me

"I will!" then I took to the sky and flew home

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