Yay uwu

48 1 0

Thank yall' so much, u guys are the best :3

I dunno how to make Special ones so pls forgive me iwi

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I dunno how to make Special ones so pls forgive me iwi

~ Russia was eating dinner at America's house ~

Russia: *Eats his le food*

America: *smol sneeze*

Russia and America's Fam except Britain: *inhales*  A D O R A B --  *gets smacked in the face with a chandelier*

Britiain: N O B O D Y   C A N  E M B A R A S S  M Y   C H I L D -

USSR: *intently stares at Britain*

Britain: Oh sh- 
*monotone voice*
r   u   n

Also Britain: *Gets onto the floor holding a gun and shoots everywhere while rolling like a macaroni out the door*

USSR: *Jumps into a sack of potatoes* i m  c o m i n g    f o r   y o u
*jumps after Britain*

So umm...



I also got sucked back into the void that is-     B....T.....S -


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