Do u want a potato

38 1 0

Once again, nothing related to potatoes. Well maybe a little. Actually no, its all related to- nevermind.

Smol America invited Russia and Estonia for a sleepover.

When smol Russia came through the door, he was holding a pouch.

America wondered what was inside, when a marble potato hit him on the nose, so he got a nosebleed.

Smol Ame: *Sad American Sounds*

Smol Russia: ?

Smol Ame: *Sad American Sounds Intensifying*

Ruski: *Confused Russian Sounds*

Ame: *Sad American sounds ×30*

Ruski: *finally realizes that America is crying* o h

America: *sniffle sniffle*

Russia: *hugs America* DEPRESSION NO MORE, CHILD -

America: *still crying*

Russia: *plainly hugs America*
How can i be so stupid-

I hope you UMM... LiKe tHis oNe???
Ack idk, its 6:23 a.m., my bus is almost here so ofc im rUshIng-

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