help ;w;

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Im doing this cuz im lazy.

America and Russia were walking through a corridor at a haunted house theme park tHiNg, and Ame was clinging to Russia's arm.

"America, are you scared?"

"W-what? No, im n-not!"

"Im taking that as a yes, so... here ya go! *lets go if America's hand*

"RUSSIA!!!" *Trips because its fucking dark in there*

*laughing his ass off*

"B-behind you!"

"What do you mean "behind me?"
*looks behind him*


"America, i dont see-"

*america runs while Russia wasnt looking*

"I dont see-"
* doesnt see America *
* this screaming goes on for an hour *

Belarus: i think Russia.exe has stopped working...

Russia: .     .     .

* Monika suddenly appears flashing and flickering in front of them *

All of them: * uncontrollable girly screaming *
Monika: -_=Just M-M0n1k4.... --_


    woo woo, motherfucker.

Also, i know that my Christmas chapters were before this one, and that it should be the other way around, so im sorry. 😅

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