I climbed on the bed once more to give him a kiss, pulling his lip from between his lips.

When I pulled away from the kiss, I looked into his eyes, "Bite that lip again, and you will be the death of me."

I walked over to the bathroom, picking up my clothes from where I left them, giving Stiles a show as I did. I blew him a kiss before closing the door behind me. Taking a quick, cold, shower, I dressed in a pair of jeans and the band tee from before. When I come out of the bathroom, I found Stiles dressed and making the bed.

"What time is it?" I asked him, helping him make the bed.

He glanced over to the digital clock beside him and read out the time, "A few minutes before noon, why?"

"How long did we sleep!?" I asked, shocked at the thought of oversleeping.

Stiles grinned, finishing the last bit of making the bed before looking over to me, "Well I've been up since nine, but you kept a good hold on me last night that I just watched you sleep."

"I didn't say anything weird, did I?" I asked him.

His grin turned wicked when he shrugged.

"Stiles!" I whined.

He laughed, giving up on his teasing, "You might have slipped a few things out, but nothing understandable."

"My secrets are safe!" I playfully grinned.

"Come on," stiles motioned over to the door, "Let's take you home."


Stiles walked me to my door once he parked his jeep out front. We stopped at the door as we turned to look at each other. He gave me a smile before kissing my lips. I smiled into the kiss before we pulled away. He told me we would talk later, which I agreed with nod. Standing by the door as I waved, I watched Stiles hope onto his jeep once more and drive off to where ever he was heading to later.

With a sigh, I opened up my door to find my mother in her office.

"Oh good!" she exclaimed once she noticed me.

She rushed out of the right room and engulfed me in a huge hug.

I hugged her back as I asked, "Did Samuel leave?"

She sighed, pulling away from me, "He got called back to San Fransisco, but he'll be back once his schedule clears up once more."

I nodded.

My mother walked me over to the kitchen as she began to make me breakfast. How she always knew I was hungry has always been a mystery but a welcomed one at that. I watched her cook from my spot at the kitchen island. After a while of us being in silence, she finally spoke up.

"Is something happening?" she asked, "Because you have been oddly odd since you got back to school after the holidays... It can't be because of Samuel because you just met him."

I sighed, "Nothing is happening... Samuel is a great guy."

My mother sighed, "At least tell me what happened last night... I need to know you are safe and not being hunted by a murderer or a mountain lion."

"Jackson and I went into the video store to rent a movie for Lydia when a mountain lion came out of nowhere and started pushing over shelves. Jackson and I hid, but we couldn't get out of the way of the shelf before it was pushed over us. Once the cougar left, Jackson helped me from under the shelves and we rushed over to Lydia before calling the cops to report the attack and the clerk's death. Nothing happened to us," I answered.

Hidden Under the Moon [Stiles Stilinski]Where stories live. Discover now