Much to Roseline's surprise, the man nodded and began to scribble onto a piece of paper. Roseline peeked over the man's shoulder and watched as he drew a circle with two stick people, a diagonal line, and something that looked like the drop-ship. The line connected the two landmarks, and Roseline could see that it was his version of a map on how to get home. He handed her the paper then slowly opened the door, peeking behind it to check for any yellow fog. Seeing that the coast was clear, he swung the door out all the way and made a gesture for her to leave.

Roseline gave a laugh. "Oh my God, yes! Thank you! God, I would hug you but I don't wanna get stabbed." She stuffed the paper into her jacket pocket and grinned, but her steps were stopped by his hand coming out and holding back her chest.

"What now?" she groaned, stomping on the floor like a child. The man's face held no emotion as he looked her in the eyes. He brought his fingers up to his mouth and made a gesture of zipping his lips shut. He never made a verbal threat, but the look in his eyes made Roseline pale, and she nodded along, doing the same thing to let him know that she got the message: You speak of this, you die.

She shuffled out of the room and into the dark tunnel. The temperature difference between the room and the tunnel hit her like a meteor and she shivered. Bow Man closed the door of his room and suddenly she was engulfed with darkness. 

Alright, Rose, she thought to herself. Let's find Bellamy and the others. Her legs took her to the end of the hallway and to the wide tunnel. She glanced back and forth, making sure she was alone. When she didn't hear anything other than the sound of rain and wind, she bolted to the right, leaving the safety of the confined tunnel. At the end, she pulled out the map, knowing that she wouldn't be able to look at it once she walked into the rain. With a once over,  she folded it back into her pocket and began her journey.

The rain and thunder didn't sound as loud when she was in the tunnel, but once she left, everything was more obnoxious. Almost instantly, her hair and clothes were soaked with water, and she struggled to see past all the rain falling. Nevertheless, she kept her jogging pace steady. Her eyes darted around the forest, searching for any sign of her friends. She couldn't tell how far she ran, but nevertheless, she hoped she had gotten closer to them already. 

Did the Grounders get them? Did they find Octavia? Is Octavia okay? Are the others okay? The questions clouded her mind, making it hard for her to keep focus. She wanted to call out to them, but she was scared that Grounders might still be out hunting for them. They're okay, Rose, she told herself, Just find camp.

A faint sound from the forest stopped her in her tracks. She cursed when she realized that she had forgotten her mallet. Quickly, she swiped a rock from off the ground and held it up, ready to throw. The sound was louder the next time, and Roseline thought that it might be coming toward her so she crouched down to the ground and listened once more, trying to drown out the rain and wind.


There was no mistaking who that voice belonged to. 

She lowered the rock and stood up. "Bellamy?"


The voice was louder than it had ever been, and now she could hear leaves being crushed.

Roseline dropped the rock entirely. "Bellamy! Where are you?"

"Follow my voice, I'm over here!"

She sprinted to the sound of his voice, and his figure appeared through the rain. She ran even faster and she saw that he did the same. 

They met in the middle together and without thinking, Roseline wrapped her arms around his neck. His jacket was soaked and his hair dripped on her face, but she didn't care. His arms engulfed her waist and his head fell into the crook of her neck. They both held on to each other for dear life, letting the rain wash over them. Roseline would never admit it, but being there in his arms gave her a sense of security. With him, she felt safe. No Grounder and no radioactive monster could hurt her because Bellamy was there next to her.

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