chapter nine

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it had been six months since the smell. everyone was following allie's rules.

a midnight curfew, mandatory weekly town meetings, and the community doctrine: those who don't work... don't eat.

they had expanded the guard meaning allie had more protection.

tori got off of her cafeteria shift and she went to the church to see harry.

the two of them had been dating for 4 months, today was their 4th month anniversary.

she finally got to the church and she saw harry was up front dumping a mop bucket.

he didn't see her so to get his attention, tori wrapped her arms around his torso from behind.

"i recognize that perfume anywhere." harry said before turning around to look at his girlfriend.

"how's work?" tori asked him.

"shitty, as always." harry replied before kissing her.

"happy four months." harry said.

"you remembered?" tori said with a shocked expression.

"how could i forget the best thing that's ever happened to me?" harry said making tori cup his face and kiss him again.

this time, she kissed him longer and slower. both of them were still trying to keep their relationship a secret.

richie still couldn't find out about them or he'd kill harry.


"uh, so, new class sign-up sheets are posted in the church lobby. um, we've just added an improv class, and due to popular demand, a second jiu-jitsu class. oh, and finally, i hope to see you all tomorrow for movie night." gwen said before letting allie speak.

"thank you, gwen. okay, i just wanted to remind everybody that this thursday is thanksgiving, so bring all your recipes to will so that he can make sure that you guys all have the right ingredients. next, we have an update from the committee on resources." allie said.

"what about the committee on going home?" clark's girlfriend asked.

"gordie and bean promised me a report on thursday." allie said.

"are we going home?" she asked.

"not before thursday. will?" allie said letting him talk.

"okay. so, we finished our audit on food supplies, and based on our current rationing, we have enough to carry us through spring. this winter won't be a problem, but our food won't last forever. we all knew that. it'll start to run low by next summer." will said.

"so we're all going to fucking starve?" jason's girlfriend asked.

"no. of course not. we just got to change the way we do things. we have a plan. grizz?" allie said as he stood up.

"um... so after thanksgiving, i'm gonna lead a search party to look for a farmland and for alternative food supplies. if anyone wants to join me, i'm looking for four or five volunteers to come along with me." grizz said.

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