chapter one

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everyone was talking about the party that was going on at harry's house.

but it never happened considering there was a strange smell in the town that no one could explain.

the teachers were sending everyone on a trip for the week.

tori was getting her stuff ready and she hugged her parents.

"all right, behave." her father said as iris chuckled.

"have a fun time, honey." iris told her daughter while louis looked at richie.

"remember to look out for your sister, all right?" louis said.

"yeah, of course." richie replied before the two marshall siblings got on the bus.

richie went to sit with cassandra. even though they had broken up, they still were close friends.

tori on the other hand went to sit with her best friend grizz.

the bus ride felt long but tori stayed awake the whole time.

she couldn't sleep in moving buses or vehicles. she also found it hard to sleep on couches. beds were preferable for her.

tori felt a pair of eyes on her and she looked around and her eyes met with campbell's. he smirked at her.

tori noticed that he was sitting with a girl named elle. she felt a bit jealous.

"ignore him." grizz told her.

"change of plans." the bus driver said stopping the bus and making everyone confused.

"rock slides, the road is closed. you're back home." the driver said as everyone groaned.

they all got off the bus but something felt off. no ones parents were there to pick them up.

"well, doesn't look like anyone was expecting us." cassandra said before the buses drove off.

everyone went to go and call their parents but not one of them answered.

richie couldn't understand why his parents didn't answer the phone, they were always awake.

"what now?" tori asked.

"looks like we better start walking." richie said.

they started walking until tori heard someone calling her name.

"tori, wait up!" harry said jogging up to her.

"what do you want?" tori asked him.

"can i crash at your house? your house is closer." harry said as tori let out a sigh.

"i don't-" tori began but got cut off by her brother.

"just because our parents were friends, doesn't mean that we are. have a good night, harry." richie said before tori could say anything else.


"i don't understand, where could they be?" tori asked richie.

"i have no idea, but i don't feel good about this." richie replied.

then richie's phone dinged signaling that he got a text and he immediately checked it.

"is it from mom and dad?" tori asked him while petting her cat.

"no, it's from cassandra." richie replied.

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