chapter four

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cassandra had gathered up most of the girls in the church.

tori was feeling a little hungover so her solution was hair of the dog.

she was confused how she got into her bed last night. the last thing she remembered was texting harry so she thought he might know.

to harry: you happen to know how i got home last night?

"boys that we thought we knew destroyed those stores last night. and if we don't do something, male testosterone is going to be the end of us." cassandra said.

"is that why it's just girls here?" helena asked her as she nodded.

"right now it's just pillage. but how long until someone's raped walking home one night and no one gives a shit because that's just how it is?" cassandra said.

from harry: i drove you back and richie caught me carrying you to your room

to harry: meet me behind the church

tori let out a sigh after reading that, she knew that richie was going to question her about this.

"okay, i'm sorry no one wanted to date you in high school, cassandra, but this war on men feels a little extra." gwen said.

"shut the fuck up, gwen." kelly said.

"yeah, i agree." tori said.

"everything that kept us safe is gone. there isn't anyone to say no. and when you stop hearing no, you begin to think you can do anything. women aren't safe in a world that's run by brute force and stupidity. if we want peace, we need order. and to get order, we need to exert our power." cassandra said.

"well, i think you've got their attention." tori whispered to cassandra.

after the meeting, kelly and cassandra set up a plan to have a prom.

since they couldn't have one, they were gonna make their own to feel more normal.

tori went behind the church and harry was there, he seemed like he'd been waiting for awhile.

"are you still drinking?" harry asked her.

"yeah, hair of the dog." tori said.

"you know, you could just stop drinking." harry told her.

"since when do you care?" tori asked him.

"i just don't want you to think you can just drink away your problems." harry said.

"i don't think that." tori said quietly.

she had a realization while talking to harry. she knew that if she kept drinking like this she'd go downhill.

"so why did you wanna meet with me?" harry asked her, changing the subject.

"i just wanted to make sure that richie isn't suspicious of anything. like what did you say to him last night?" tori asked him.

"i just told him that you were drunk in the park and i was bringing you home. he just thanked me, that's it." harry replied.

"i'm glad he didn't try to beat you up." tori told him.

"oh yeah? since when do you care?" harry asked her.

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