chapter five

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cassandra had been shot the night of prom. she was dead. everyone went to the church for a funeral.

in the middle of the musical performance, they heard will shouting.

"get the fuck out!" will shouted at campbell and harry.

"what are you doing?" gordie asked will.

"what?" will asked him.

"isn't this bad enough already?" gordie asked.

"allie doesn't need to see them." will said.

"he's right." richie said looking at campbell and harry with anger in his eyes.

"allie doesn't give a shit about this right now. you're making this worse, all right? just let em in." gordie said.

"in the back." will said to harry and campbell.

the two listened and they went to sit in the back but harry couldn't help but look at tori. she was sitting in the front with grizz.

everyone saw allie walk up to the stage and she went up to the podium.

"my sister, cassandra, was good. she was a good person. um... she was captain of the debate team. you didn't want to argue with her. who did this? huh? who shot my sister? why did you do that? we needed her! i needed her." allie cried.

will went up to go comfort her while grizz, clark, luke and jason picked up cassandras body and they carried her and put her in the ground.

helena said a prayer and allie dropped some dirt over her.

tori stayed by richies side to comfort him. he just thought cassandra stood him up that night.

after learning the truth, it broke him. he found some drugs from campbell and got fucked up.


tori was at allie's house since she decided to stay there to see if allie needed anything.

when she got there, she saw will talking to the guys.

"we need to be careful right now. what we say, what we do. less than half the kitchen showed today. and nobody even bothered to call." will said.

"it's not just the kitchen staff. no one picked up the garage all weekend." grizz said.

"it fucking reeks." jason said.

"yeah, it's all i could smell on my way here." tori said.

"if we don't follow the work schedule we're screwed." will said.

"and if the communal kitchen collapses, people are gonna go after the food." grizz said.

"yeah, they're already raiding the cafeteria pantry. broad daylight. nobody gives a shit." will said.

"oh, god." tori said.

"what do you want us to do about it?" luke asked.

"we might have to enforce the work lists." will said.

"you mean we would have to enforce the work lists. th guard." luke said.

"and how are we supposed to do that? there are four of us." clark said.

"someone out there has a gun." jason said.

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