Of other worlds

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In a small town by the edge of a forest, a woman was suffering from an unknown illness. Her life is ghastly withering away as days pass by. One of the child's aunts, anxious for her niece's life, convinced her brother: the child's father, to ask help from his estranged wife.

"You would rather keep your pride than keep your daughter's life?" the aunt cried as she points the woman lying on the bed, breathing heavily as beads of sweat form on her forehead.

The heavy rain and thunders that followed the intense lightnings added to the grim situation.

"Why would I seek help from a person who abandoned her family for the glory of her damn job!" the father answered in the same tone. He gazed upon her poor child, her brows knitting as she mutters inaudibly.

The argument continued for several more minutes until the woman lying on the bed suddenly convulsed.

"I beg you!" the aunt clasped her niece's hand, "seek your wife and cure your daughter!" Tears started to flow on the aunt's face as she pleads.

Communication between the couple was actually not broken, if anything, all of their child's activities is monitored by one of the mother's subordinate and mostly detailed by the father. Their odd setup as estranged husband and wife was devised to prevent any danger from the maternal side from ever reaching their precious child.

The father plagued with thoughts whether to seek her wife and jeopardize the discovery of the existence of their child or continue living in hiding and endanger their child's life all the same.

"We both know she can help her, why call her a goddess with all her power if she cannot help her only child. Please!"

The aunt did not exaggerate in using the divine term just to beautify the mother's countenance. The child's mother and the father's wife is a goddess, but not just any goddess but the all-powerful ruler who reigned all the divine beings as well as the mortals.

And a child born from the omnipotent ruler bear both great blessing and danger. The danger that both her parents feared forced them to hide the existence of their child and raised her as a mortal, and the divines unaware of the heir's birth.

With the father losing all mortal options in curing her daughter, traveled to the other edge of the forest with her ill daughter, as soon as the rain mellowed ,and came upon a small inlet. Shrouded by huge rock formations, tall trees and shrubbery, the inlet leads up to the wide ocean.

The father guided her staggering daughter into the water, the only means of communicating with his wife the father knew about

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The father guided her staggering daughter into the water, the only means of communicating with his wife the father knew about. The moment the father left the waters and only the child's body dipped in the water, the ground shook creating ripples in the calm water.

Towering boulder sculptures of armored man and women rose up from both side of the inlet. Despite being covered in seaweed and other underwater plants, the golden streaks from the sculptured armor shone as the grey sky peeked between the tree's leaves.

The child despite being weak from the illness suddenly gained her strength as she watched the huge sculptures rose causing waterfalls around her.

"F-father!" the child sought her father's presence in alarm.

"Have courage my child, you shall be healed soon," her father soothed his daughter's fear from the shore.

Each on top of the sculptures appeared figures somehow resembling the statues one by one.

The first being in his muscular heavy form shouted "AHA!" in greeting as he jumped in place.

"Barbarian," the second figure appeared, resembling the tall voluptuous woman sculptured under her, stood confidently.

The third man appeared and snickered as he sat leisurely on top of his sculptured head.

The fourth leaner muscular man appeared and bowed silently opposed to the loud entrance of the first figure.

"Finally!" the last figure appeared lying down on top of her respective sculpture as she giggled both her hands under her chin as she smiled down at the woman. Unlike the previous four's sculpture that depicts their actual image, her mature womanly sculpture greatly differ from her actual childlike form.

A portal leading underwater opened at the mouth of the inlet and the five heavenly figures invited the child to come with them.

The child retreated in fear and searched for her father once again. However, her father being fully human is unable to enter their world, thus he persuaded his daughter to trust them and follow their instructions.

Once fully immersed underwater, they traveled in speed passing through reefs and oceans until they somehow reached a harbor. Above, a long narrow wooden path leads to a huge majestic castle-like building. Inside they were met with a towering throne and her mother in her titan throne sitting upon it, busy reading through several reports, completely oblivious of the visitor.

The five being bowed in respect and announced their arrival. As soon as the Queen Goddess realized of her daughter's presence, she quickly changed her form to hold her daughter in her arms.

In this instant, the Queen Goddess quickly realized the sudden appearance of her daughter in her realm.

Her child suffers not from physical illness but of the spiritual one. The Queen Goddess's former subordinate who is now ruling in the underworld is trying to take her child's soul and live with him in his dominion.

The Queen Goddess's rage caused the ground to shake and darken the skies, an event which greatly distressed the subordinates and implored her to calm down.

Still seething from her former subordinate's scheme, the Queen ordered the five subordinates to confront the underworld's ruler and prevent his plot from progressing any further and end it all together, by any means necessary.

They stood straight as their casual clothing turned into armor and weapons appeared from thin air, placing their fists on their chest and cries "Yes, Your Eminence!" in chorus.

~ 🌟 ~

Though I slept for hours, my dream was a short one.

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