The Unnaturals

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In a time when human flourished the earth and technological warfare was in heat, an asteroid millions of light years away from earth was detected. Thinking it will take lifetimes before another genocidal rock hit the planet, people disregarded the alien object and had long forgotten it's existence and the threat it may carry.

Unbeknownst to all, the rock's speed bursts tenfold every timely interval. It was until the rock hit the planet's surface that everyone realized it was too late. However, unlike its meteorite predecessors, the meteor seemed to have slowed down in its decent avoiding total annihilation.

What the meteor failed to do, its contents  managed to accomplish. The rock carried an organic material that turned most of the planet's dominant inhabitant; the humans, into mindless death-intolerant cannibals. Not only these newly mutated species hunts for anything but human flesh, they also carry the contagious fluids that turns anyone exposed through an open wound or ingestion into the same flesh-crazed senseless beings.

The cannibals, slowly infected from the point of impact until they steadily made their way into more populated towns, cities, countries. They managed to accomplish such feat in a short amount of time, despite having no thoughts of their own but the primal instinct to feed.

Hunting for their own species and failing to provide any effective counter on the steadily increasing peril, humanity was driven into a corner forcing them to abandon their homes and live underground or high altitude locations. Gradually, humankind's evidences before the global plague, were swallowed by the unruly growth of greenery. Concretes and steels of construction were gradually absorbed by the unrestrained vines, bushes, and tress.

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When all hope is lost, an unprecedented occurrence helped the humans with their struggle against the new undying species. With the emergence of the immortals, few gifted immune were able to harness the nature, gaining control of the earth's natural elements; air, fire, water and earth.

With their help, humanity were able to slowly reclaim the world they once thrived in. They were able to set up well-defensed camps on ground, provide sanctuary to struggling civilians as well as military offense to the enemy without worrying any horde from trampling their recovery.


In a murky environment that was once a flourishing technological city, the military offense with their new comrades sweep through the abandoned city surrounded with grown shrubs and wild trees, not overlooking any area hunting for the scattered flesh-eaters.

In their keen rummaging through the zone, they discovered the lost meteor which brought upon the disaster. It was safely tucked between two-small mounts of dirt and rock near a flowing stream, not a stalk of grass growing in a few meters around it.

Hope and cheers erupted followed by constant communication with their base about the discovery and detailed documentation of the rocks surrounding. Founding the source of the apocalypse will grant them knowledge and unlimited chances of finding an effective solution to the problem and finally able to procure a possible cure for the infected. However, as they close in on the ethereal rock, it suddenly vibrated, as of knowing of it's impending imprisonment and launched itself away from the detected threat.

One elemental, who solely harnessed the air, being the fastest among them, gave chase. Tearing through gusts of wind, the lady who uses a staff as a medium for controlling the air pursued the sentient rock over mountains and under caves.

But as soon as the elemental achieved to trap the rock, it manages to quickly create vibrations, tearing down solid walls and boring deep holes on mountains. And while when the lady gets too close during a chase, the rock manages to launch itself further, leaving sentient golems in its path.

With the new enemy detected, more reserved troops were sent to provide assistance to the capture of the evasive rock. The whole world moved according to the current chasing game between the elemental and the rock, and their playground was the whole archipelago.

Other elementals follow pursuit and fought the gigantic golems, which was obstructing the flow of the chase. Despite the struggle, they ultimately defeated them, giving way for the chaser to catch the elusive space rock.

And just before the outreached hand of the lady reached for the bulldozing basketball-sized glowing rock with a deep blue core protected by a clear diamond-like surface, I woke up.

~ 🌟 ~

Why do my dreams always have hanging parts??????

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