Blonde Hair, Black Eyes

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A/N: Quick update! Hope you guys enjoy!


January 31, 2008 – 5 months later

We're stopped at a gas station off the highway, Sam is filling up the gas tank and Dean is inside the convenient store – getting what I can only assume is pie. I'm sitting in the backseat, head leaning against the head rest, with my eyes closed. That is until I hear my phone going crazy in my purse, I reach inside, pull it out and look at the screen, Caroline is on my caller ID.

With a not-so-silent groan, I pick up. "Hello?"

"Elena!" Caroline squeals on the other end. "How are you? Better yet- where are you?"

"I'm good, and I'm not telling you. Don't need you trying to drag me back to Mystic Falls."

"C'mon Elena. Mystic Falls is your home."

"No it's not, not anymore."

"I just miss you." I hear Caroline pout.

"I miss you too Care, I do."

"Any luck finding anything that will get Dean out of his one way trip to hell?"

Absentmindedly I look to the store; I can make out Dean through the window paying for his items. "Nothing."

"Then come home, please."

I sigh heavily making sure she hears it, "No Caroline. With Sam and Dean... I'm actually helping people. I'm not sitting around having to play the martyr role. I fight alongside them; they treat me as an equal instead of having me sit on the sidelines because they think I can't handle myself. Wow that last part sounds a lot like two vampires we know."

"They're not perfect."

"I know they're not, but I'm not coming back. I'm going to stay with them, until the end if that's the case." Caroline stays silent, I've made up my mind and she knows it. "Tell Bonnie I miss her too, okay?"

"Okay." Caroline's voice barely comes out a whisper.

"I love you, Care."

"I love you too, Elena."

I pull the phone away from my ear and tap the end button on my screen right as Sam opens the driver's side door sliding himself in. "Who was that?" he asks closing the door.

"Caroline." I place the phone over my mouth, tapping it against my lips. "She wants me to come back to Mystic Falls."

"Do you want to go back?"

I toss him a look that blatantly says 'Does it look like I want to go back?'

Sam throws up his hands in defense, "I'm sorry, just thought I'd ask. You know we'd take you back if you wanted to go."

Lowering my hands from my face I slip my phone back into my purse. "I know."

"But don't ever mistake that for us wanting you to go, because we don't." Sam smiles at me.

I can't help but smile back, "Thanks Sam."


The passenger side door swings open and Dean plops himself down into the seat, crumpling the bags in his arms. "I come bearing sustenance!"

"It's gas station food, Dean." I point out with a laugh.

Dean turns around and faces me, "Hey, hey this is quality gas station food okay?" He reaches inside the bag and begins to pull things out showing the items to us as he goes. "We've got some sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly with some barbeque chips for Sam, turkey and cheese with some chocolate covered pretzels for you Lena, and for me-" Dean pulls out taquitos and pie. "A meal fit for a King!"

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