VISION (Yuuki[Initial'L]xRFC)

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*RFC = Requested Female Character*

**This is a request from XinnieMinnie118 and I gotta say I really fell in love with this band which writing this, so thank you girl haha**

***The song for this is VISION by Initial'L, which I really encourage you all to listen to while reading this. I've included the ENGLISH TRANSLATION for this song into the fic. It's not a perfect translation because I'm still learning and haven't been in class very long. I spent a couple hours listening to this song and considering it's English translation before I began writing this, so I truly believe that the best way to enjoy this is to both listen to the song AND consider the translation.***



Awakened Body Feeling overflowing

The tears that cry black are Memory?

Midnight is so deep that it melts down

If you die here, squeeze out VISION

Yuuki felt the heat of the stage lights on him as he performed. The energy in the room was mediocre, but a few dedicated fans were ramping up the event enough to make it worth it. Moving around the stage was a lot easier when there were eyes following him. There had been far too many shows at the beginning of his career where nobody knew who they were or why they were there. Having this kind of energy at a show like that was difficult.

Starting on their final song, he grinned back at his band before he jumped into the audience, singing with them. He grinned as the crowd grew, eager to be involved in the finale. Jumping during the chorus, he grabbed on to one of the girl's hands in the crowd. It wasn't anything too unusual. In fact, it was the best way to end their shows when they were at the smaller venues. The intimacy between the band and the crowd was thrilling. If he was to die, he would want it to be in this moment; the happiest place he could imagine.

This world seen from the gap

Has anyone ever drawn SO once?

The shining future

Xinnie spent her first night of her trip to Japan at a concert. Was there really any better way? She didn't really know who the band was, but they put on a great show. She'd have to check them out when she got the change. They had a new fan on their hands, that's for sure. After the show, the band was meeting fans at the bar, but the energy at that point had gotten so crazy, she needed a moment of quiet.

It was dark outside but it didn't matter. There was so much music still coming from the venue, but at least it was a little calmer outside. She would go inside in a moment and maybe see if the band had a CD for sale. The crowd was pretty happy by the end of the show; she wouldn't be surprised if they sold out tonight. Thinking about that, she turned to go back inside and ran right into a strong chest. Looking up, she instantly recognized the man as the singer.

"O-oh my, I'm s-sorry." His voice was different when he spoke and it surprised her. Smiling softly at him, she nodded.

"My fault, I wasn't looking where I was going. It was just a little crazy in there with all the...well, anyways," She spoke, but quickly caught herself. It was best not to say anything that might offend him. Besides, he was really good looking.

"Yeah, fans are insane sometimes, but it's great." He laughed a bit and sipped a can of what she assumed was beer. Leaning against the wall, he glanced over at her. "What's your name?"

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