"So, where exactly is Tyler?" I ask.

"I don't know, he just left like ten minutes before you left. Did he know that you were coming?" He asks turning his attention from the television to me.

"Yes, I spoke to him this morning." I frown trying to figure out why Tyler would leave when he knew I was coming.

"Well I guess you're stuck with me." He grins making me smile because his smile was so infectious.

"Well you make that sound so awful, I'm sure I'm the bad company here." I tell him.

"You're definitely not bad company Amelia. I mean the last time I saw you we went on for hours and hours, I was entranced by you, I guess your aura is just so amazing." He lets out making my eyes widen in surprise.

"I don't think anyone has ever been this open about how they feel about me." I mumble.

"Well you're amazing." He smiles turning his body to face me.

"So tell me, do you know how to play 21 questions?" He asks.

"Isn't that the game where you both ask each other 21 questions?" I laugh given that it's in the name.

"Yes. It's like an ice breaker of some sorts." He explains making me nod my head.

"Okay, first question. What's your favorite flower?" He asks.

Zion and I have been at it for the past two hour. It reminds me of all those days he came to visit me after my operation and it makes me smile like an idiot.

"Why are you smiling like that?" He asks smiling himself.

"Well I'm just thinking of that day in the hospital when you couldn't shut your trap." I remind and he blushes.

"Well I was someone you didn't know walking into your room. You see quite calm for someone who didn't know anyone." He brings up.

"Your aura, I guess." I shrug standing up to help him with the food.

"So, what is chef Jones making?" I ask standing next to him with our arms brushing against each other.

"Your favorite." He says opening the pot and I squeal.

"How did you know?" I say holding onto his arm.

"You love Italian food Amelia, I guess this was just a great guess. Do I get a kiss on the cheek now?" He teases making me laugh at him.

"If it tastes as good as it looks then maybe, just maybe you'll get a nice peck on the cheek." I joke getting the dishes and glasses.

"What if it's better than expected?" He questions dishing up for us.

"Then I'm going to marry you and let you do all the cooking." I laugh pouring us juice.

"So what you're saying is that, if I've outdone myself, I get a really beautiful wife and in return, she wants me to cook for her?" He asks bringing the dishes to the countertop.

"Well really beautiful can be debatable but yes." I smile.

"You underestimate your beauty." He mumbles digging in.

I ignore his comment and instead I have a taste of his food.

"Woah, did you go to culinary school or something?" I ask having another bite.

"Let's just say my mom is a great teacher." He smiles.

"I'm definitely prepared to sign that marriage certificate." I joke making him laugh.

"That would make me the happiest man ever." He winks making me smile as we eat in silence.

After we had finished eating, we washed the dishes then went to watch a movie. During the movie, I could help but let my mind wander.

Zion is amazing and I can't help but smile every time him and I have a conversation. Everything flowed so well and there was never an awkward silence. The feeling I have when we make even the slightest of skin contact made me feel all giddy inside and butterflies would make their way through my stomach.

We get through 3 movies and I look outside to see that it's extremely dark outside.

"I should get going." I mumble looking at the time.

"I don't think I feel comfortable with you driving out at midnight, especially so soon after your operation. Spend the night." He suggests.

"Your parents won't mind?" I ask.

"Well I'm babysitting the house because they're not in the country." He shrugs and I nod my head.

"Okay, that's alright." I smile.

He leads me up to a guest room and he hands me a shirt with some boxers which I take and go into the bathroom to wear. I come back out to see him typing furiously on his phone. I ignore it and get into the bed looking at him.

"Okay, I'll let you be. Goodnight Amelia." He smiles standing up.

"I believe I owe you something Zion." I remember getting out of the bed and walking to him.

I stand on my tiptoes and I give him a kiss on the cheek before looking down at my toes.

"Sleep tight Zion." I smile walking back to the bed.

"You too." He smiles walking out of the bedroom leaving me in my thoughts.

That's when I realized that I like Zion more than us being just friends.

• • •

And there you have it, the day Amelia and Zion realized that they have feelings for each other.

Bye babies. ❤️


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