Chapter 5: The first night after the flight ❀

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The flight went pretty well in Shoto's opinion if it weren't for the suppressants to wear of 3 minutes before they landed on the ground, making him suffer for three minutes with Izuku's head on his shoulder and the threat of petals and blood bugging him.

When they landed and got out, he quickly pointed to the restroom and uncharacteristically ran there to puke out the contents of his mouth into a toilet before going back to his classmates.

He sighed at the memory, silently hoping that it would not happen again. He had to take more suppressants before he joined the crowd again.

Izuku however, was excited for the trip once they landed. He had to stick with Todoroki since Bakugo was with Kirishima, "It's more friend things!" Izuku would laugh. The dual haired boy looked at the green haired boy and smiled but not really paying attention.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he felt a hand on his shoulder, looking up to mismatched eyes. "Are you okay, Midoriya?" Todoroki asks, looking at him with concern. Izuku nodded and gave a small smile to his worried friend.

Shoto knew something was up with Izuku, but didn't press any further into the matter and continued walking.

"The school vans are here, and I'm gonna call on the students who are gonna be in the first van." Aizawa says, skimming over a list of people.

First Van: Aoyama, Mina, Tsuyu, Iida, Uraraka, Shoji, Sero, Tokoyami, Todoroki, Midoriya, and myself

Second Van: Ojiro, Kaminari, Koda, Sato, Mineta, Toru, Jiro, Momo, Bakugo, Kirishima, All Might

After he showed who was in which van, everyone scampered off to their respective vehicles. Shoto silently thanked his homeroom teacher for placing him in the same van as Izuku, who looked a little dazed at the moment.

He sat in the far back with Izuku following him, saying that "I like the silent company" as he sat down beside him. He nodded in response and let Izuku look out the window beside him, which looked like as if the green haired boy was pressing up against him.

Iida and Uraraka were sending looks to him, making him shy away as Izuku looked at the scenery behind the window.

The van came to a stop as they reached their hotel, everyone filing out to stop at the front doors, the second van making its appearance after a few minutes.

"You will be roomed by number. I will give everyone keys but there will be a dupe. Now go to your rooms and put your luggage there, we're going to the beach tomorrow, it's too late to go tonight." All Might said, giving everyone keys as they went around and asked each other who had this room.

Shoto found himself roomed with Uraraka, who took the left bed, leaving him with the right one. He placed his duffel bag beside the bed, laying down under the covers and letting sleep overcome him.

Izuku however, was roomed with Yaoyorozu, a good friend of Todoroki. He just placed his bag beside his bed and laid down, spent a few minutes thinking until he passed out from sleep.

It was in the middle of the night, and Izuku couldn't sleep even after an hour long nap. He decided to go outside for a little bit and maybe dip his feet into the water, grabbing his red sneakers and going out of his room. His eyes widened as he sees his heterochromatic friend from right across his room getting out in the same state as him.

"Todoroki-kun, can't sleep?" He asks, a smile adorning his face. The boy hums in agreement as both of them exited the lobby, sitting in the sand at 12am.

Shoto smiled as Izuku rambled about his favourite heroes, him giving an occasional comment or hum. After a while, he then saw how Izuku stumbled on his words, slurring a few and how he swayed slightly.

He just chuckled and picked him up bridal style as he went into the hotel, dropping him off in his room after Yaoyorozu apparently heard Izuku leave the room. He soon went into his room, but not before throwing up a couple of petals and blood before bed.

He looked back at what just happened and smiled fondly as he slept under his covers soundly, not bothering to take his socks off.

(I feel like Shoto would sleep with one sock on and one sock off lol)

(word count:728)

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