The Ghost Of You

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Summary: Request - I'mma add to the angst and request a fic where your ex which you thought to be dead was discovered to be alive and due to conflicted feelings you say no to Bucky when he proposes to you, the rest is up to you bc you are a fantastic writer 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Warnings: Angst, swearing, Fluff, mentions of torture and scars, Cliffhanger

A/N: Not sure if this really is the end? 

"You know I could kick your ass any day of the week, Buck", you say with a smirk and a sideways glance in the elevator down

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"You know I could kick your ass any day of the week, Buck", you say with a smirk and a sideways glance in the elevator down.

Bucky chuckles and turns to you, "only because you cheat".

You look at him, jaw slack in mock offense, "I do not cheat!".

"Oh please! Last week you started crying and you know I hate seeing you cry! You knew I had you and you took advantage of the fact I'm your boyfriend", Bucky says, the smirk never leaving his face.

You toss him one of your own and say, "that's just good tactics, baby. Use your opponent's weakness against them".

Bucky tips his head back to laugh and it has you grinning when the doors slide open into the lobby of the avengers building. People are milling about like ants but it's the commotion at the front desk that has you pausing.

A guy with sandy hair that brushes the tops of his shoulders is shouting at the receptionist, "you need to let me see her!".

Adrenaline starts to flood your veins and you find yourself approaching without thought as you notice his ripped clothes. His voice scratching familiarly at a door you thought you closed years ago.

He shouts again, "you need to get Y/N down here now, you don't understand".

The way your name falls off his tongue is like a sucker punch and it takes everything not to double over from shock. You're vaguely aware of Bucky murmuring, "is he asking for you?".

But it's only you and the guy in the whole of the room right now as you say, "Charlie?".

Charlie, your ex of 4 years, whips around at the sound of your voice. You take each other in for a full minute before he makes his way towards you

Instinctively, you take a step back. Your ex was dead. You were there when he died. You went to his funeral. This man in front of you is a ghost.

Charlie doesn't flinch at your reaction, instead taking another step and talking to you like you're a frightened animal, "Y/N, it's okay, it's me, Charlie. Please baby, you've got to believe me. I've been trying to get back to you all this time and I've finally found you".

You shake your head but don't move away from him, "h-how?".

Charlie stretches his arms out towards you, "does it matter?".

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