Show Me Going

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Summary: Bucky can only watch on as the reader goes through a dangerous situation  (btw this was inspired by an episode of Brooklyn 99 by the same name)

Warnings: violence and death 

The day started just like any other for Bucky

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The day started just like any other for Bucky. He got up early, had breakfast with Steve and Sam, and then went down to the gym for their daily training session. Once that was done he went to your room so that you could both enjoy a rare day off together but when he got to your room, you weren't there. 

He frowned but he wasn't worried, not until he saw Steve taking off down the hall still in his gym clothes. He trailed behind him all the way to the command room. He followed Steve in with, "what's going on?". Steve didn't answer Bucky as he made his way over to Maria Hill and Nat. They were standing in front of a black screen, Hill holding a radio. Bucky could hear the conversation as he made his way over. Steve said, "I saw on the news, how long has it been going on?".

Hill answered in the calm demeanour she always seemed to have, "the bomb went off about an hour ago. All authorities responded which left the rest of the city virtually unprotected. We now have a hostage situation in a bank that the police can't get to, so we were called for help. This was about 15 minutes ago. The team should be arriving any minute."

Bucky's stomach gave a nervous clench and at the time he didn't know why. He remained silent as Steve continued to talk, "why didn't we get called in? You know we could have helped".

Hill nodded her head, "yes, but most of you just came back from a mission, some injured, and Fury thought this was a bit below your pay grade especially since you have big mission first thing in the morning". Steve went to protest again, but Hill cut him off, "it's not my call, and besides the team we managed to get together at short notice is more than equipped to handle the situation".

Bucky's stomach flipped again as he picked up on something Hill had said, "you said 'managed to get together', so you pulled people off leave?". Bucky saw Nat look at him sharply, she wasn't stupid, she knew where he was going with this. Nat answered before Hill could, "yes Barnes, they did call Y/N in, I was there when they called her in, that's why I'm here". Bucky's nerves were immediately set on edge as he came closer to them. Bucky gave Hill a stern look, "what kind of people are we looking at? How many are there? What weapons? Do we know what they want?".

Hill gave a deep sigh, "we're not sure who they are yet, and we're not sure how many are there. The camera feeds in the bank were cut long before they arrived. So, we don't know what weapons they have and we're not entirely sure of what they want".

Bucky's blood was raging at every word she said. He took a step closer and Steve shifted towards Bucky, "you're telling me that you sent a team in practically blind? Are you that incompetent?".

Hill regarded him coolly, "Let's not pretend that you care about the whole team Barnes". Before anymore is said the screen turns on. It shows someone's vest camera pointed at the rest of the team dressed in tactical gear. Bucky doesn't see you in the group, so it must be your camera. Just before Hill can speak in the radio Bucky speaks again, "I'm going".

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